import LoVe.LoVelib

LoVe Homework 8 (10 bonus points): Metaprogramming

This homework is optional! You do not need to submit anything. If you do, it will be counted for bonus points.

This homework mainly builds on the 10th lab. If you are interested in getting a quick feel for metaprogramming, we strongly recommend the lab instead of this homework.

Homework must be done in accordance with the course policies on collaboration and academic integrity.

Replace the placeholders (e.g., := sorry) with your solutions. When you are finished, submit only this file to the appropriate Gradescope assignment.

This homework is not autograded.

open Lean
open Lean.Meta
open Lean.Elab.Tactic
open Lean.TSyntax

namespace LoVe

Question 1 (10 points): A safe Tactic

You will develop a tactic that applies all safe introduction and elimination rules for the connectives and quantifiers exhaustively. A rule is said to be safe if, given a provable goal, it always gives rise to provable subgoals. In addition, we will require that safe rules do not introduce metavariables (since these can easily be instantiated accidentally with the wrong terms).

You will proceed in three steps.

1.1 (4 points). Using a macro, develop a safe_intros tactic that repeatedly applies the introduction rules for True, , and and that invokes intro _ for /. The tactic generalizes intro_and from the lab.

macro "safe_intros" : tactic =>

theorem abcd (a b c d : Prop) :
  a → ¬ b ∧ (c ↔ d) :=
    /- The proof state should be roughly as follows:

        case left
        a b c d : Prop
        a_1 : a
        a_2 : b
        ⊢ False

        a b c d : Prop
        a_1 : a
        a_2 : c
        ⊢ d

        case right.mpr
        a b c d : Prop
        a_1 : a
        a_2 : d
        ⊢ c -/
    repeat' sorry

1.2 (4 points). Develop a safe_cases tactic that performs case distinctions on False, (And), and (Exists). The tactic generalizes cases_and from the exercise.


#check @False
#check @And
#check @Exists

partial def safeCases : TacticM Unit :=

elab "safe_cases" : tactic =>

theorem abcdef (a b c d e f : Prop) (P : ℕ → Prop)
    (hneg: ¬ a) (hand : a ∧ b ∧ c) (hor : c ∨ d) (himp : b → e) (hiff : e ↔ f)
    (hex : ∃x, P x) :
  False :=
  /- The proof state should be roughly as follows:

      case intro.intro.intro
      a b c d e f : Prop
      P : ℕ → Prop
      hneg : ¬a
      hor : c ∨ d
      himp : b → e
      hiff : e ↔ f
      left : a
      w : ℕ
      h : P w
      left_1 : b
      right : c
      ⊢ False -/

1.3 (2 points). Implement a safe tactic that first invokes safe_intros on all goals, then safe_cases on all emerging subgoals, before it tries assumption on all emerging subsubgoals.

macro "safe" : tactic =>

theorem abcdef_abcd (a b c d e f : Prop) (P : ℕ → Prop)
    (hneg: ¬ a) (hand : a ∧ b ∧ c) (hor : c ∨ d) (himp : b → e) (hiff : e ↔ f)
    (hex : ∃x, P x) :
  a → ¬ b ∧ (c ↔ d) :=
    /- The proof state should be roughly as follows:

        case left.intro.intro.intro
        a b c d e f : Prop
        P : ℕ → Prop
        hneg : ¬a
        hor : c ∨ d
        himp : b → e
        hiff : e ↔ f
        a_1 : a
        a_2 : b
        left : a
        w : ℕ
        h : P w
        left_1 : b
        right : c
        ⊢ False

        a b c d e f : Prop
        P : ℕ → Prop
        hneg : ¬a
        hor : c ∨ d
        himp : b → e
        hiff : e ↔ f
        a_1 : a
        a_2 : c
        left : a
        w : ℕ
        h : P w
        left_1 : b
        right : c
        ⊢ d -/
    repeat' sorry

end LoVe