import LoVe.LoVelib
import AutograderLib

FPV Homework 2: Backward Proofs

In this homework, you'll practice writing backward (or tactical) proofs.

Homework must be done in accordance with the course policies on collaboration and academic integrity.

Replace the placeholders (e.g., := sorry) with your solutions. When you are finished, submit only this file to the appropriate Gradescope assignment. Remember that the autograder does not determine your final grade.

set_option autoImplicit false

namespace LoVe

namespace BackwardProofs

Question 1 (3 points): Connectives and Quantifiers

Complete the following proofs using basic tactics such as intro, apply, and exact.

Hint: Some strategies for carrying out such proofs are described at the end of Section 3.3 in the Hitchhiker's Guide.

Think about the similarity to the type inhabitation problems of HW1!

@[autogradedProof 1] theorem B (a b c : Prop) :
  (a → b) → (c → a) → c → b :=

@[autogradedProof 1] theorem S (a b c : Prop) :
  (a → b → c) → (a → b) → a → c :=

@[autogradedProof 1] theorem more_nonsense (a b c : Prop) :
  (c → (a → b) → a) → c → b → a :=

For an extra challenge: translate the weak_peirce type inhabitation problem from HW1 into a theorem statement, and prove the theorem!

Question 2 (5 points): Logical Connectives

2.1 (1 point).

Prove the following property about implication using basic tactics.


@[autogradedProof 1] theorem about_Impl (a b : Prop) :
  ¬ a ∨ b → a → b :=

2.2 (2 points).

The logical rules we have seen so far describe intuitionistic logic. There are some statements that we can't prove using only these rules, despite them perhaps "seeming" true. (Food for thought: how could I argue that we can't prove certain propositions?)

Intuitionistic logic is extended to classical logic by assuming a classical axiom, that allows us to prove these missing statements. There are several possibilities for the choice of axiom. In this question, we are concerned with the logical equivalence of three different axioms:

def ExcludedMiddle : Prop :=
  ∀a : Prop, a ∨ ¬ a

def Peirce : Prop :=
  ∀a b : Prop, ((a → b) → a) → a

def DoubleNegation : Prop :=
  ∀a : Prop, (¬¬ a) → a

For the proofs below, avoid using theorems from Lean's Classical namespace.

We will prove the equivalence of these axioms: each one implies the others.


#check DoubleNegation
#check ExcludedMiddle

@[autogradedProof 2, validAxioms #[Quot.sound, propext, funext]]
theorem EM_of_DN :
  DoubleNegation → ExcludedMiddle :=

In this week's lab, you'll have the option to prove a few more implications. We state them sorryed here, for reference and use; you don't need to prove these for this homework.

theorem Peirce_of_EM :
  ExcludedMiddle → Peirce :=

theorem DN_of_Peirce :
  Peirce → DoubleNegation :=

2.3 (2 points).

We have three of the six possible implications between ExcludedMiddle, Peirce, and DoubleNegation. State and prove the three missing implications, exploiting the three theorems we already have.

enter your solution here

Question 3 (3 points): Equality

You may hear it said that equality is the smallest reflexive, symmetric, transitive relation. The following exercise shows that in the presence of reflexivity, the rules for symmetry and transitivity are equivalent to a single rule, "symmtrans".

axiom symmtrans {A : Type} {a b c : A} : a = b → c = b → a = c

-- You can now use `symmtrans` as a rule.

example (A : Type) (a b c : A) (h1 : a = b) (h2 : c = b) : a = c := by
  apply symmtrans
  apply h1
  apply h2


variable {A : Type}
variable {a b c : A}

Replace the sorrys below with proofs, using symmtrans and rfl, without using Eq.symm, Eq.trans, or Eq.subst. You should not use any tactics besides apply, exact, and rfl.

@[autogradedProof 1, validAxioms #[LoVe.BackwardProofs.symmtrans]]
theorem my_symm (h : b = a) : a = b :=

@[autogradedProof 2, validAxioms #[LoVe.BackwardProofs.symmtrans]]
theorem my_trans (h1 : a = b) (h2 : b = c) : a = c :=


Question 4 (3 points): Pythagorean Triples

A Pythagorean triple is a "triple" of three natural numbers a, b, and c such that a² + b² = c², i.e., they are integer sides of a right triangle.

def IsPythagoreanTriple (a b c : ℕ) : Prop :=
  a^2 + b^2 = c^2

By assuming Fermat's Last Theorem (, we can show that if a, b, and c form a Pythagorean triple, then a, b, and c can't all be perfect squares. Use the definitions below to prove this.

axiom fermats_last_theorem (x y n : ℕ) :
  (n ≥ 3) → ¬∃ (z : ℕ), x^n + y^n = z^n

def IsSquare (n : ℕ) : Prop := ∃ (u : ℕ), n = u^2

-- **Note**: You may use the following lemma in your proof.
lemma square_square (a b c : ℕ) :
  (a^2)^2 + (b^2)^2 = (c^2)^2 → a^4 + b^4 = c^4 :=
by intro h; rw [←pow_mul, ←pow_mul, ←pow_mul] at h; exact h


Note: You may not use simp in your solution. (If you need to expand a definition, you can use rw.)

@[autogradedProof 3,
  validAxioms #[LoVe.BackwardProofs.fermats_last_theorem, Quot.sound, propext, funext, Classical.choice]]
theorem pythagorean_triple_not_all_squares (a b c : ℕ) :
  IsPythagoreanTriple a b c → ¬(IsSquare a ∧ IsSquare b ∧ IsSquare c) :=

end BackwardProofs

end LoVe