import LoVe.LoVelib
import AutograderLib

FPV Homework 4: Functional Programming

Homework must be done in accordance with the course policies on collaboration and academic integrity.

Replace the placeholders (e.g., := sorry) with your solutions. When you are finished, submit only this file to the appropriate Gradescope assignment. Remember that the autograder does not determine your final grade.

namespace LoVe

Question 1 (4 points): Dot Notation

After defining structures and inductive types, functions that operate on these types can be accessed through the dot notation. This is syntactically similar to methods in Object-Oriented Programming. This question will guide you through how to use it.

First, we define a structure:


structure Point (α : Type) where
  x : α
  y : α
  deriving Repr   -- For display in `#eval`

It comes with some existing functions:

#check Point       -- a Type
#check @Point.rec  -- the eliminator
#check   -- the constructor
#check @Point.x    -- a projection
#check @Point.y    -- a projection

#eval Point.x ( 10 20)
#eval Point.y ( 10 20)
#check 10 20

You can avoid the prefix Point by using the command open Point.

open Point

example {α : Type} (a b : α) : x (mk a b) = a :=

example {α : Type} (a b : α) : y (mk a b) = b :=

Given p : Point Nat, the dot notation p.x is shorthand for Point.x p. This provides a convenient way of accessing the fields of a structure.

def p := 10 20

#check p.x  -- ℕ
#eval p.x   -- 10
#eval p.y   -- 20

The dot notation is convenient not just for accessing the projections of a structure, but also for applying functions defined in a namespace with the same name. For example, since p : Point, the expression p.add q is shorthand for Point.add p q in the example below.

def Point.add (p q : Point Nat) :=
  mk (p.x + q.x) (p.y + q.y)

def q : Point Nat := 30 40

#eval p.add q  -- {x := 40, y := 60}

More generally, given an expression x y z where p : Point, Lean will insert p at the first argument to of type Point. For example, with the definition of scalar multiplication below, p.smul 3 is interpreted as Point.smul 3 p.

def Point.smul (n : Nat) (p : Point Nat) := (n * p.x) (n * p.y)

#eval p
#eval p.smul 3  -- {x := 3, y := 6}

It is common to use a similar trick with the function, which takes a list as its second non-implicit argument.


def xs : List Nat := [1, 2, 3]
def f : Nat → Nat := fun x => x * x

We want to calculate

#eval f xs -- [1, 4, 9]

1.1 (1 point).

Write an #eval statement with dot notation achieving the same effect as the above. Check that they output the same values.

-- write your solution here


end LoVe

1.2 (1 point).

Define the function List.mySum that sums the elements of a List ℕ, using dot notation where applicable.

@[autogradedDef 1, validTactics #[rfl, simp [List.mySum]]]
def List.mySum : List ℕ → ℕ
:= sorry

namespace LoVe

1.3 (1 point).

Write an #eval statement using dot notation that achieves the same effect as the one below:

#eval List.mySum [1, 2, 3, 4]  -- 10
-- write your solution here

Dot notation even works for proofs! If hpq : P ∧ Q, then hpq.left : P is syntax for And.left hpq. (Note that is syntax for the Proposition And.)

1.4 (1 point).

Write as short of a term mode proof as you can of the following lemma, using dot notation at least once:

lemma dotAndSwap (P Q R : Prop) (hpq : P ∧ Q ∧ R) : Q ∧ P :=

Golf bonus (0 points).

When the expected type is an application of a type constructor T, Lean allows you to omit the T. prefix in a theorem or definition name. For example, Nat.gcd takes in two Nat arguments. We can write the gcd of 0 and 2 as follows:

#eval Nat.gcd .zero (.succ (.succ .zero))

This is particularly powerful in combination with the precedence glyphs <| ("put parentheses around everything to the right") and |> ("put parentheses around everything to the left, and apply the function on the right to that," or equivalently, "pipe the result on the left into the function on the right.")

#eval Nat.gcd .zero <|.succ <|.succ .zero
#eval Nat.succ .zero |>.gcd .zero

Try to write a term mode proof of one direction of De Morgan's law using as few parentheses (or as few characters) as possible. (Or write down your own propositions and try it out!)

example (p q : Prop) : ¬ (p ∨ q) → ¬ p ∧ ¬ q :=

Question 2 (9 points): Left-Commutative Functions

Recall that a function f is commutative if f a b = f b a for all a and b in its domain.

def Commutative {α : Type} (f : α → α → α) : Prop :=
  ∀ (a b : α), f a b = f b a

Suppose we want to define a notion of commutativity for functions of type α → β → β. (This type should look familiar: think about list folds!) The definition above won't do, since if f : α → β → β, a : α, and b : β, then f a b type-checks but f b a does not. However, if we have two (nested) applications of f -- and thus two arguments of type α -- we can interchange certain arguments in a type-safe way: if a' : α, then f a (f a' b) and f a' (f a b) both type-check. The last argument remains fixed, but the a and a' "commute" across the two applications of f. This motivates the following definition.

A function f is called left-commutative if, for all arguments a, a', and b, it satisfies f a (f a' b) = f a' (f a b). (The name comes from the fact that it is only the arguments on the left that commute.) We define this in Lean below:

def LeftCommutative {α β : Type} (f : α → β → β) : Prop :=
∀ (a a' : α) (b : β), f a (f a' b) = f a' (f a b)

If you squint a bit, left-commutativity has some similarity to both commutativity and associativity. (Recall that a function f is associative if f (f a b) c = f a (f b c) (in infix notation, (a ⋆ b) ⋆ c = a ⋆ (b ⋆ c)) for all a, b, and c in its domain.) Let's investigate this connection.

def Associative {α : Type} (f : α → α → α) : Prop :=
  ∀ (a b c : α), f (f a b) c = f a (f b c)

2.1 (1 point).

Show that if a function is both commutative and associative, then it is left-commutative.

@[autogradedProof 1] theorem leftCommutative_of_commutative_associative {α : Type} :
  ∀ (f : α → α → α), Commutative f ∧ Associative f → LeftCommutative f :=

2.2 (4 points).

Show that a left-commutative function need not be commutative or associative by constructing such a function g and proving that it is left-commutative, nonassociative, and noncommutative.

Note: you're free to define g on any type you wish, but you will likely find a "small" type (like Bool) more manageable.

Here are some helpful reminders for the proofs:

def g : sorry := sorry

@[autogradedProof 1] theorem g_leftCommutative : LeftCommutative g :=

@[autogradedProof 1] theorem g_not_commutative : ¬Commutative g :=

@[autogradedProof 1] theorem g_not_associative : ¬Associative g :=

Now that we've seen some properties of left-commutativity in the abstract, let's look at its significance in the context that motivated its definition in the first place: list folds.

We define below left and right list folds (note that our foldl has a slightly different signature from the library version, allowing it to take a combining function of the same type as foldr's).

2.3 (3 points).

Show that if we fold a list using a left-commutative combining function and the same initial accumulator, we get the same result regardless of the direction in which we fold.

Hint: you will need to prove a helper lemma. (We suggest starting with the main proof to figure out what that helper lemma should be.)

def foldl {α β : Type} : (α → β → β) → β → List α → β
  | f, z, []         => z
  | f, z, (x :: xs)  => foldl f (f x z) xs

def foldr {α β : Type} : (α → β → β) → β → List α → β
  | f, z, []        => z
  | f, z, (x :: xs) => f x (foldr f z xs)

@[autogradedProof 3] theorem foldl_eq_foldr_of_leftCommutative {α β : Type} :
  ∀ (g : α → β → β) (hg : LeftCommutative g) (z : β) (xs : List α),
  foldl g z xs = foldr g z xs :=

2.4 (1 point).

In fact, left-commutativity is not only sufficient for a function to have the same left- and right-folding behavior; it is also necessary. Prove this by showing that if some combining function always gives equal left and right folds, then that function must be left-commutative.

@[autogradedProof 1] theorem leftCommutative_of_foldl_eq_foldr {α β : Type} :
  ∀ (g : α → β → β),
    (∀ (z : β) (xs : List α), foldl g z xs = foldr g z xs) →
    LeftCommutative g :=

Question 3 (7 points): Heterogeneous Lists

We've become familiar with Lists, which contain multiple ordered values of the same type. But what if we want to store values of different types? Can this be done in a type-safe way?

Yes! Below we define HList, a type of heterogeneous lists. While List is parametrized by a single type (e.g., a List String contains Strings, and a List Bool contains Bools), HList is parametrized by a list of types. Each element of this type-level list defines the type of the entry at the same position in the HList. For instance, an HList [Nat, String, Bool] contains a natural number in the first position, a string in the second position, and a boolean in the third position. Be sure you see how this achieved by the following inductive definition.

inductive HList : List Type → Type 1
  | nil : HList []
  | cons {α : Type} {αs : List Type} : α → HList αs → HList (α :: αs)

The following declarations are necessary to enable custom HList notation and evaluation of HLists with #eval. You do not need to understand them, and we suggest you "collapse" them in VS Code by hovering over the line number next to section and clicking the arrow that appears.

infixr:67 " ::: " => HList.cons

syntax "H[" withoutPosition(term,*) "]"  : term
  | `(H[ $[$elems],* ]) => do
      elems.foldrM (β := Lean.Term) (init := (← `(HList.nil))) λ x k =>
        `(HList.cons $x $k)

instance : Std.ToFormat (HList []) := ⟨λ _ => .nil⟩
instance {α} [Std.ToFormat α] : Std.ToFormat (HList [α]) :=
  ⟨λ H[x] => Std.ToFormat.format x⟩
instance {α αs} [Std.ToFormat α] [Std.ToFormat (HList αs)] :
  Std.ToFormat (HList (α :: αs)) :=
  ⟨λ (HList.cons x xs) =>
    Std.ToFormat.format x ++ ("," ++ Std.Format.line) ++ Std.ToFormat.format xs⟩
instance {αs} [Std.ToFormat (HList αs)] : Repr (HList αs) := ⟨λ xs _ =>
  Std.Format.bracket "H[" (Std.ToFormat.format xs) "]"⟩

instance : ToString (HList []) := ⟨λ _ => "H[]"⟩
instance {α} [ToString α] : ToString (HList [α]) :=
  ⟨λ H[x] => s!"H[{toString x}]"⟩
instance {α αs} [ToString α] [ToString (HList αs)] :
  ToString (HList (α :: αs)) :=
  ⟨λ (HList.cons x xs) =>
    "H[" ++ toString x ++ ", " ++ ((toString xs).drop 2).dropRight 1 ++ "]"⟩

@[app_unexpander HList.nil] def unexpandHListNil : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander
  | `($(_)) => `(H[])

@[app_unexpander HList.cons]
def unexpandHListCons : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander
  | `($(_) $x H[])      => `(H[$x])
  | `($(_) $x H[$xs,*]) => `(H[$x, $xs,*])
  | _                  => throw ()

-- We can write `HList`s using a syntax similar to lists:
#check H[]
#check 3 ::: "hi" ::: H[]
#check H[9, "hello", true]
#check H[("value", 4), (λ x => x + 1)]

If we write a function that adds, removes, or changes the types of elements in an HList, therefore, we must also reflect these changes at the type level. For instance, consider the function HList.snoc (which appends an element to the end of an HList) below. Notice the parallel between the type it returns and the structure of the data it returns!

Note: this is just a demonstration of how to declare a function on HLists. Do not use snoc in any of the problems below!

def HList.snoc {α : Type} {αs : List Type} : HList αs → α → HList (αs ++ [α])
  | HList.nil      , y => HList.cons y HList.nil
  | HList.cons x xs, y => HList.cons x (HList.snoc xs y)

#check HList.snoc H[14, true] 52
#eval HList.snoc H[14, true] 52

3.1 (1 point).

Write a function HList.append that appends two HLists together. You'll need to complete the type as well as implement the function!

@[autogradedDef 1, validTactics #[rfl, simp [HList.append]]]
def HList.append {αs βs : List Type} : HList αs → HList βs → sorry
  := sorry

Heterogeneous lists can be used in conjunction with traditional lists to store multi-typed tabular data (similar to Pyret, for those who are familiar). We can think of some αs : List Type as indicating the type stored in each column and treat an HList αs as a row. Since every row contains the same types as the others, a collection of such rows would simply be a list of values of type HList αs. Therefore, a table, which is a collection of rows, is represented by a value of type List (HList αs). For instance, the following table is represented by a List (HList [String, String, Nat]):

String String Nat
"Providence" "RI" 2912
"Pawtucket" "RI" 2860
"Boston" "MA" 2110

But we can also think of a table as a collection of columns: each column contains data of a single type and so is a traditional List, but since each column has a different type, the collection of all the columns must be an HList. For instance, the column-wise representation of the above would have type HList [List String, List String, List Nat].

Since these representations are storing equivalent data, it would be useful to be able to convert between them. This conversion will be our focus for the rest of this question.

3.2 (1 point).

Let αs : List Type represent the types stored in a given row of a table with row-wise representation of type List (HList αs). Complete the definition of a function below that maps αs to some βs : List Type such that HList βs is the type of the column-wise representation of that same table.

@[autogradedDef 1, validTactics #[rfl, simp [columnwiseType]]]
def columnwiseType (αs : List Type) : List Type :=

3.3 (2 points).

Now that we can state its type, implement the function listHlistToHlistList that converts the row-wise representation of a table into a column-wise representation.

Hint: Notice that we've put αs to the right of the colon in the definition, so you'll need to match both it and the input list in your pattern-match. (I wonder why we'd do that...)

-- You may use these helper functions in your solution
def HList.hd {α αs} : HList (α :: αs) → α
  | HList.cons x _ => x

def {α αs} : HList (α :: αs) → HList αs
  | HList.cons _ xs => xs

@[autogradedDef 2, validTactics #[rfl, simp [listHlistToHlistList]]]
def listHlistToHlistList :
  ∀ {αs : List Type}, List (HList αs) → HList (columnwiseType αs)
  := sorry

But what about the other direction? We might be tempted to declare a function that turns a collection of columns into a collection of rows. That function might have this signature:

opaque hlistListToListHlist :
  ∀ {αs : List Type}, HList (columnwiseType αs) → List (HList αs)

We can describe the type of behavior we expect this function to have. For instance, hlistListToListHlist shouldn't change the number of rows in a table: the number of rows in the column-wise representation we give the function should be equal to the number of rows in the row-wise representation we get out.

We define this property below in the case of a two-column table below. (Notice that we're just defining the property; we haven't proved it!)

def length_hllh : Prop :=
  ∀ (α β : Type) (t : HList (columnwiseType [α, β])),
  List.length (hlistListToListHlist t) = List.length (HList.hd t)

3.4 (2 points).

But, in fact, we cannot define a function with this behavior! Prove that length_hllh is false. This shows that, regardless of how we try to implement a function hlistListToListHlist, it cannot have the property length_hllh.

Hint 1: Read length_hllh carefully. It might not say exactly what we claimed.

Hint 2: You may find Empty.elim helpful.

#check @Empty.elim

-- Here's a helper function you might also find helpful: if a list of `τ`s has
-- length 1, then we can obtain a `τ` from it (if needed, you can change `1` to
-- any positive value below and the definition will still compile):
def pickFromSingletonList {τ} : ∀ {xs : List τ}, List.length xs = 1 → τ
  | x :: _, _ => x

@[autogradedProof 2]
theorem length_hllh_false : ¬ length_hllh :=

3.5 (1 point).

In fact, without using features of Lean we haven't yet seen, we can only write down one function with type ∀ {αs : List Type}, HList (columnwise_type αs) → List (HList αs), and it does not satisfy the property in length_hllh. Describe this function's behavior and why it is the only function with this type. Then explain what we would need to be able to assume about the argument to hlistListToListHlist in order to create a function that inverts the row-column representation as we desire.

Write your answer to part 5 here.

A final note! This is not the only possible encoding of a heterogeneous list. Below, we declare a type HList' that stores heterogeneously typed data but does not contain any data about the types it contains at type level. We also declare a function HList'.append that appends two heterogeneous lists of this type.

inductive HList'
  | nil : HList'
  | cons {α : Type} : α → HList' → HList'

def HList'.append : HList' → HList' → HList'
  | HList'.nil,       ys => ys
  | HList'.cons x xs, ys => HList'.cons x (HList'.append xs ys)

Food for thought: what are some pros and cons of this approach compared to HList? (How easy is each to declare? To extract data from? How confident are you that each append function is correct by virtue of the fact that it type-checks?)

We won't be grading your answers here, but if you'd like to share your thoughts, we're happy to read them!

end LoVe