import LoVe.LoVelib
import AutograderLib
FPV Homework 5: Inductive Predicates
Homework must be done in accordance with the course policies on collaboration and academic integrity.
Replace the placeholders (e.g., := sorry
) with your solutions. When you are
finished, submit only this file to the appropriate Gradescope assignment.
Remember that the autograder does not determine your final grade.
namespace LoVe
Question 1 (4 points): Even and Odd
Consider the following inductive definition of even numbers:
inductive Even : ℕ → Prop
| zero : Even 0
| add_two (k : ℕ) : Even k → Even (k + 2)
1.1 (1 point).
Define a similar predicate for odd numbers, by completing the
Lean definition below. The definition should distinguish two cases, like Even
and should not rely on Even
inductive Odd : ℕ → Prop
-- supply the missing cases here
1.2 (1 point).
Give proof terms for the following propositions, based on your answer to question 2.1.
@[autogradedProof 0.5] theorem Odd_3 :
Odd 3 :=
@[autogradedProof 0.5] theorem Odd_5 :
Odd 5 :=
1.3 (1 point).
Prove the following theorem by rule induction:
@[autogradedProof 1] theorem Even_Odd {n : ℕ} (heven : Even n) :
Odd (n + 1) :=
1.4 (1 point).
Prove the following theorem using rule induction.
Hint: Recall that ¬ a
is defined as a → false
@[autogradedProof 1] theorem Even_Not_Odd {n : ℕ} (heven : Even n) :
¬ Odd n :=
infixl:50 " <+ " => List.Sublist
namespace NoDupSublists
Question 2 (4 points): Duplicate-Free Sublists
In this problem, we'll use inductive predicates to prove that the sublist of a
list that contains no duplicates also contains no duplicates. (Informally, a
sublist of a list ys
is a list xs
such that every element of xs
in the same order in ys
The predicate List.Sublist : ∀ {α : Type}, List α → List α → Prop
, which
formally specifies the notion of a sublist, is defined as follows:
inductive Sublist {α} : List α → List α → Prop | slnil : Sublist [] [] | cons a : Sublist l₁ l₂ → Sublist l₁ (a :: l₂) | cons₂ a : Sublist l₁ l₂ → Sublist (a :: l₁) (a :: l₂)
We've defined syntactic sugar for the sublist predicate: we can write xs <+ ys
instead of List.Sublist xs ys
Here are some examples:
[] <+ [1, 2, 3]
[2, 3] <+ [2, 3, 4]
[2, 3] <+ [1, 2, 4, 3]
And here are some non-examples:
¬([1] <+ [2, 3])
¬([2, 2] <+ [2, 3])
¬([2, 2, 3, 3] <+ [2, 3, 2, 3])
Make sure to convince yourself that the sublist predicate above correctly captures this notion of sublist.
We'll also need a couple of additional predicates in order to state the desired theorem.
2.1 (1 point).
Define a predicate IsIn
such that IsIn x xs
holds precisely
when x
is an element of the list xs
Note: you may not use any external inductive or recursive definitions besides
the List
constructors in your solution. (Of note, this means that
and the equality operator =
are not allowed.)
-- Fill this in:
inductive IsIn {α : Type} : α → List α → Prop
-- For the rest of this problem, we'll redefine the `∈` and `∉` notation to use
-- your `IsIn` predicate instead of the default.
scoped infix:50 (priority := high) " ∈ " => IsIn
scoped notation:50 (priority := high) x:50 " ∉ " xs:50 => Not (IsIn x xs)
2.2 (1 point).
Define a predicate NoDuplicates
such that NoDuplicates xs
holds precisely when the list xs
does not contain any duplicate elements.
Here are some examples:
NoDuplicates []
NoDuplicates [tt]
NoDuplicates [2, 1, 3]
And here are some non-examples:
¬(NoDuplicates [tt, tt])
¬(NoDuplicates [1, 9, 5, 1])
¬(NoDuplicates [3, 1, 4, 1, 5])
Note: you may not use the equality operator =
, List.append
(aka ++
), or
in your solution.
Hint: you may find the IsIn
) predicate you defined above useful!
-- Fill this in:
inductive NoDuplicates {α : Type} : List α → Prop
2.3 (2 points).
Equipped with these definitions, prove the theorem we stated at the beginning: the sublist of a duplicate-free list is also duplicate-free. Choose what to induct on wisely!
Hint: Recall that you can generalize your induction over a variable you've
previously bound (so long as the thing you're inducting on doesn't depend on it)
using the generalizing
keyword. If you find yourself at a point in your proof
where your IH doesn't match your goal because it fixes some variable you're not
inducting on, you may need to generalize your induction over that variable.
-- You may find this helper lemma useful when writing your proof. (It's possible
-- to prove this, but we're giving it to you for free.)
axiom not_in_of_not_in_sublist {α : Type} {x : α} {xs ys : List α} :
xs <+ ys → x ∉ ys → x ∉ xs
@[autogradedProof 2]
theorem noDuplicates_sublist_of_noDuplicates {α : Type} (xs ys : List α) :
NoDuplicates ys → xs <+ ys → NoDuplicates xs :=
end NoDupSublists
Question 3 (8 points): Reasoning with Invariants
By now, you've probably noticed that writing proofs involving foldl
can be
tricky. We often have to recover our desired claim as an instance of a more
general one, and figuring out what that more-general claim should be isn't
always straightforward.
Below is a function which uses foldl
to append every string in ys
to each
string in xs
. Take a moment to understand this function and how it's
implemented (notice that the initial accumulator is xs
; each iteration of the
fold performs a map
over the existing accumulator). If you're having trouble
seeing why this works, we've provided an annotated evaluation trace to guide
your intutition.
def appendToAll (xs ys : List String) : List String :=
List.foldl (λ acc y => (λ x => x ++ y) acc) xs ys
#eval appendToAll ["a", "b", "c"] ["1", "2", "3"]
#eval appendToAll ["first: ", "second: "] ["CSCI", "1951", "X"]
-- Sample evaluation trace:
example : appendToAll ["a", "b", "c"] ["1", "2"] = ["a12", "b12", "c12"] :=
let fold_fn := λ (acc : List String) (y : String) => (λ x => x ++ y) acc
appendToAll ["a", "b", "c"] ["1", "2"]
-- We expand the definition of appendToAll
= List.foldl fold_fn ["a", "b", "c"] ["1", "2"] := rfl
-- We "peel off" the first item to append from ys = ["1", "2"]
_ = List.foldl fold_fn (fold_fn ["a", "b", "c"] "1") ["2"] := rfl
-- We expand the definition of fold_fn in the new accumulator
_ = List.foldl fold_fn ( (λ x => x ++ "1") ["a", "b", "c"]) ["2"] := rfl
-- After evaluating the map, our updated accumulator has the 1s appended
_ = List.foldl fold_fn ["a1", "b1", "c1"] ["2"] := rfl
-- We now "peel off" our second string to append, "2"
_ = List.foldl fold_fn (fold_fn ["a1", "b1", "c1"] "2") [] := rfl
-- We again expand fold_fn
_ = List.foldl fold_fn ( (λ x => x ++ "2") ["a1", "b1", "c1"]) [] := rfl
-- We now map over our *updated* accumulator, leaving us with a new
-- accumulator containing strings with both 1 and 2 appended
_ = List.foldl fold_fn ["a12", "b12", "c12"] [] := rfl
-- Finally, we hit the base case of foldl (there are no strings left to
-- append) and return
_ = ["a12", "b12", "c12"] := rfl
We'd like to prove that this function returns a list with the same length as
. (Take a moment to convince yourself that this is the case!)
3.1 (1 point).
Below, we've provided a formal statement of this claim and the
start of a proof. Spend a minute or two trying to fill in as much of the
remaining proof as you can (without changing any of the provided non-sorry
lines, declaring any helper lemmas, or doing anything too unorthodox). Then, in
the space provided, briefly explain why the proof approach below won't work (at
least without modification and quite a bit of work).
Note: For this part, don't worry about being very precise; we're just looking for you to give the general idea of where the proof gets stuck and why it is that you can't make progress from there.
example : ∀ (xs ys : List String),
List.length xs = List.length (appendToAll xs ys) :=
intros xs ys
induction ys with
| nil =>
| cons y ys ih =>
In this problem, we'll explore another approach to proving properties of
list folds using invariants. Recall that we can think of a list fold
foldl f z xs
as being analogous to a loop in imperative programming:
acc := z
for x in xs:
acc := f(x, acc)
return acc
One way we can (imperatively) reason about a loop is by showing that it preserves some property, known as a loop invariant, throughout all of its iterations. To prove that a property is a loop invariant, we must do two things:
- Initialization step: Show that the invariant holds before entering the loop.
- Preservation step: Show that if the invariant holds at the start of a loop iteration, then it still holds at the end of that iteration.
Let's look at an example. Consider the following loop, supposing that xs
is a
list of natural numbers:
acc := 0
for x in xs:
acc := acc + x
return acc
Suppose we want to show that this loop always returns a nonnegative number. We
can show this by showing that the property acc ≥ 0
is an invariant of the
loop. (Notice that this suffices to prove that the loop returns a nonnegative
number, since the value that's returned is simply acc
after some loop
iteration, and we know that acc ≥ 0
holds after any iteration since it's an
invariant. This, of course, assumes that the loop terminates, but since all of
our Lean programs terminate, we won't worry about that here.) We follow the
steps from earlier to show that acc ≥ 0
is a loop invariant:
- Initialization:
acc ≥ 0
is true initially becauseacc = 0
before entering the loop and0 ≥ 0
. - Preservation: Suppose
acc ≥ 0
at the start of some loop iteration. Letacc₀
be this initial value ofacc
. Then at the end of the iteration, we haveacc = acc₀ + x
. Sinceacc₀ ≥ 0
by assumption andx ≥ 0
contains only natural numbers, we have thatacc = acc₀ + x ≥ 0
Let's now translate these ideas back to the functional setting of list folds.
The value we return from a fold is the final accumulator value acc : β
, so
since we want our invariant to ultimately assert something about that value, our
invariant should be a predicate β → Prop
. (At least for now; we'll return to
this in a bit.) To prove that such a predicate is an invariant, we need to show
two properties analogous to those from earlier:
- Initialization: our predicate holds for our initial accumulator value
. - Preservation: our predicate is preserved by our "folding function"
at each step. That is, ifP acc
holds, then for any elementx : α
in our listxs
, we must have thatP (f x acc)
also holds.
If we can show these two properties, then P
is an invariant of our fold, and
so we can conclude that P (foldl f z xs)
3.2 (1 point).
While the explanation above (hopefully) sounds convincing, we can
be more rigorous: we can prove that such a proof technique is correct! Below,
prove the theorem foldl_oneplace_invariant
, which states that this invariant
proof technique is correct.
(If you'd like an added (significant) challenge, this proof can be done quite cleanly in term mode using a declaration by pattern-matching and a bit of recursion!)
@[autogradedProof 1] theorem foldl_oneplace_invariant {α β} :
∀ (P : α → Prop) (f : α → β → α) (z : α) (xs : List β)
(hinit : P z)
(hpres : ∀ (acc : α) (x : β), P acc → P (f acc x)),
P (List.foldl f z xs) :=
3.3 (2 points).
Equipped with our new proof technique, let's return to
. As a reminder, we declared that function as follows:
def appendToAll (xs ys : List String) : List String := List.foldl (λ acc y => (λ x => x ++ y) acc) xs ys
We wanted to prove that this function returns a list of the same length as
. Below, fill in the sorry
s to complete this proof. (Hint: you may find
the lemma List.length_map
#check @List.length_map
#check @foldl_oneplace_invariant
@[autogradedProof 2]
theorem length_appendToAll : ∀ (xs ys : List String),
List.length xs = List.length (appendToAll xs ys) :=
λ xs ys => foldl_oneplace_invariant
While foldl_oneplace_invariant
is useful, it's not quite powerful enough
to prove the invariance of certain properties we might care about. We'll explore
this with an example.
Consider the function fold_reverse
below, and convince yourself that this
behaves equivalently to the standard list reverse
def fold_reverse {α} (xs : List α) : List α :=
List.foldl (λ acc x => x :: acc) [] xs
#eval fold_reverse [1, 2, 3]
#eval fold_reverse ["a", "b", "c"]
3.4 (1 point).
As in our last example, we want to prove that for any list
, xs
and fold_reverse xs
have the same length. However, we can't prove
this using foldl_oneplace_invariant
. Below, briefly explain below why this is
the case.
Hint: if you're having trouble, try actually doing the proof using
(use length_appendToAll
as a guide) and see where
it goes wrong. (Make sure to comment out any scratch work before submitting.)
Write your answer to part 4 here
To prove the desired property of fold_reverse
, we'll need a more
expressive invariant: one that accounts for both the accumulator and the
untraversed portion of the list at any stage of the fold. In other words, our
invariant will be a two-place predicate that expresses a property in terms of
both our accumulated value and the remaining sublist. To prove the invariance of
a predicate of this form, we'll need to modify both of our proof steps:
- Initialization: our predicate holds when our accumulator is
and our untraversed list isxs
(this is the case at the start of the fold). - Preservation: if our predicate holds of some initial accumulator
and untraversed listx :: xs
, then it holds of the updated accumulatorf x acc
with remaining untraversed listxs
(since we've now "foldedx
into" our accumulator, so that it is no longer part of the untraversed segment).
3.5 (1 point).
We have stated this proof technique below. Prove its correctness.
@[autogradedProof 1] theorem foldl_twoplace_invariant {α β} :
∀ (P : α → List β → Prop) (f : α → β → α) (z : α) (xs : List β)
(hinit : P z xs)
(hpres : ∀ (acc : α) (x : β) (xs' : List β),
P acc (x :: xs') → P (f acc x) xs'),
P (List.foldl f z xs) [] :=
3.6 (2 points).
Fill in the sorry
s below to show the desired property of
: that it returns a list of the same length as its input.
We've provided some lemmas you may find useful; also recall that linarith
finish a goal where only basic algebraic rewrites remain. As a reminder,
is implemented as follows:
def fold_reverse {α} (xs : List α) : List α := foldl (λ x acc => x :: acc) [] xs
Hint: The equality x + 0 = x
is definitional (i.e., Lean knows this without
further proof); this is not the case for 0 + x = x
(since the addition
function recurses on its second argument). Therefore, you can provide a value of
type τ (x + 0)
where Lean expects a value of type τ x
τ : Nat → Type
), but you cannot provide a value of type τ (0 + x)
where a
value of type τ x
is expected.
#check Nat.zero_add
#check Nat.add_assoc
#check Nat.add_comm
@[autogradedProof 2] theorem length_fold_reverse {α} :
∀ (xs : List α), List.length xs = List.length (fold_reverse xs) :=
λ (xs : List α) =>
(by sorry)
(by sorry)
end LoVe