import AutograderLib
import LoVe.LoVelib
import Mathlib.Data.ZMod.Defs

FPV Homework 7: Mathematical Structures

Homework must be done in accordance with the course policies on collaboration and academic integrity.

Replace the placeholders (e.g., := sorry) with your solutions. When you are finished, submit only this file to the appropriate Gradescope assignment. Remember that the autograder does not determine your final grade.

namespace LoVe

Question 1 (6 points + 1 bonus point): Graph Definitions

There are many definitions of graphs in both the math and CS literature. Graphs have vertices (or nodes) which are connected by edges. Some definitions specify edges to be directed, i.e., an edge that connects vertex a to vertex b does not connect b to a. Others are undirected. Some allow loops, i.e. edges from a vertex a to itself. Some don't.

A graph can be defined as a set of vertices along with a list of tuples of vertices the form (v, v'), which represents an edge from v to v' (so in an undirected graph, we must necessarily also have (v', v)):

structure ListGraph (V : Type) :=
  (edges : List (V × V))

For large graphs, this data structure can get cumbersome. Instead, we can define graphs based on an adjacency predicate. Since we'll be interested in undirected, loopless graphs, we'll need to ensure undirectedness and looplessness by proving that our adjacency predicate is symmetric and irreflexive, respectively.

structure PredGraph (V : Type) :=
  (adj : V → V → Prop)
  (symm : Symmetric adj)
  (loopless : Irreflexive adj)

1.1 (2 points).

A complete graph is a graph in which each vertex is adjacent to each other vertex. Define the complete graph on four vertices, K₄, as a ListGraph and as a PredGraph. You can use a predefined predicate for the adjacency predicate, or you can make your own!

Remember: your graphs (both ListGraph and PredGraph) should be loopless and undirected!

inductive Quad : Type
| one | two | three | four

-- Feel free to ignore these lines
deriving instance Repr for ListGraph
deriving instance Repr for Quad

open Quad

def K₄_quad_lg : ListGraph Quad :=

def K₄_quad_pg : PredGraph Quad :=


1.2 (3 points).

If we choose the right type for a graph, it can be easier to define, manipulate, and manage the graph. A cycle graph is a graph with vertices v₁,...,vₙ whose only edges are connecting vᵢ and vᵢ₊₁ for i < n as well as vₙ to v₁. Here's a visual representation of a cycle graph on six vertices:

 v₆    v₁
  • -- •
 /      \

v₅ • • v₂ \ / • -- • v₄ v₃

Define a cycle graph C₅ on the type Fin 5 by designing a symmetric and irreflexive predicate. You'll need to prove symmetry and irreflexivity, too!

Note: Be careful with addition on Fin 5. You might recognize this type mathematically as ℤ/5ℤ.

#check Fin
#eval (4 : Fin 5) + 1

You also might be surprised that tactics like linarith don't work on Fin 5. Turns out that algorithm doesn't like it when 5 = 0! If you end up with a hypothesis h : 0 = 1 or something like that, cases h may come in handy.

def C₅ : PredGraph (Fin 5) :=

1.3 (1 point).

Using this functional definition of a graph, we can easily generalize the above cycle graph to make an arbitrarily large cycle. Fill in the following definition, mirroring your previous definition.

def C₁₀₀ : PredGraph (Fin 100) :=

Food for thought: how could we define C₁₀₀ as a ListGraph without typing out 100 tuples?

1.4 (optional, 1 bonus point).

We lied a bit: the definitions ListGraph and PredGraph are actually capturing slightly different graph concepts!

To make that more precise: we can state the equivalence of a ListGraph and a PredGraph. We call two representations equivalent when they are defined on the same collection of vertices and -- according to each way of representing adjacency -- the same vertices are adjacent in each.

def GraphEquiv {α : Type} (lg : ListGraph α) (fg : PredGraph α) : Prop :=
  ∀ v₁ v₂ : α, fg.adj v₁ v₂ ↔ ((v₁, v₂) ∈ lg.edges)

Provide an example of two non-equal ListGraphs that are equivalent to the same PredGraph. Prove that your example satisfies these conditions. For those who've studied a bit of graph theory: What graph theory concept is appearing here? (We won't grade your answer to this last question.)

Note: The two ListGraphs you pick should not be permutations of each other -- these are "boring" examples. So, for instance, don't pick [(v₁, v₂), (v₂, v₁)] and [(v₂, v₁), (v₁, v₂)] for some distinct values v₁ and v₂.

Hint for the proof: you can use tac₁ <;> tac₂ to apply tac₂ to all goals generated by tac₁. You don't have to use this, but it might make your life easier.

-- Write your answer here

For question 2 below, you may chose to do one of Question 2α or Question 2β. You may do both, but only one will be graded. Please clearly indicate which one you want to be graded.

Each question sketches an extension of the graph-theoretic groundwork laid in question 1: 2α a more mathematical one, 2β a more computational one.

Question 2α : Automorphism Groups of Graphs (8 points)

An automorphism of a graph is a function on (or permutation of) its vertices that preserves the edge structure of the graph. In other words:

def IsGraphAutomorphism {α : Type} (G : PredGraph α) (A : α → α) : Prop :=
  ∀ (v₁ v₂ : α), G.adj v₁ v₂ ↔ G.adj (A v₁) (A v₂)

We can define a structure like this to define an automorphism of a graph.

structure GraphAutomorphism (α : Type) (G : PredGraph α) :=
  (f : α → α)
  (is_aut : IsGraphAutomorphism G f)

Let's focus on a particular graph, say, the graph C₅ defined above, to define and study its automorphisms. It has ten automorphisms: five "flips," where we mirror the graph across some axis, and five "rotations," where we "rotate" the vertices by some number of spots. (Note that we take the identity map to be a trivial rotation). Here's an example of each:

Flip across the vertical: v₀ v₀ • • / \ /
v₄ • • v₁ --> v₁ • • v₄ \ / \ / • - • • - • v₃ v₂ v₂ v₃

Clockwise rotation by two vertices: v₀ v₃ • • / \ /
v₄ • • v₁ --> v₂ • • v₄ \ / \ / • - • • - • v₃ v₂ v₁ v₀

2α.1 (2 points).

Define a function C₅_rotate below such that C₅_rotate n corresponds to an clockwise rotation by n vertices. Then define a function C₅_flip such that C₅_flip n corresponds to the flip that fixes vertex n and flips all the rest (convince yourself that all flips are of this form!).

Hint: we strongly suggest you express both functions as closed-form formulas. Try to make your formulas as simple as possible.

def C₅_rotate (n : Fin 5) : Fin 5 → Fin 5 :=

def C₅_flip (n : Fin 5) : Fin 5 → Fin 5 :=

2α.2 (2 points).

Now prove that these functions are indeed automorphisms.

Hint: If it seems like you aren't able to simplify complicated expressions in your proofs using tactics like simp, see if you can simplify your definitions of the automorphisms above.

@[autogradedProof 1]
theorem C₅_rotate_is_aut : ∀ n, IsGraphAutomorphism C₅ (C₅_rotate n) :=

@[autogradedProof 1]
theorem C₅_flip_is_aut : ∀ n, IsGraphAutomorphism C₅ (C₅_flip n) :=

Now we can define the elements of our structure!

def C₅_rotate_aut (n : Fin 5) : GraphAutomorphism (Fin 5) C₅ := {
  f := C₅_rotate n
  is_aut := C₅_rotate_is_aut n

def C₅_flip_aut (n : Fin 5) : GraphAutomorphism (Fin 5) C₅ := {
  f := C₅_flip n
  is_aut := C₅_flip_is_aut n

Graph automorphisms under the operation of function composition form a group! Let's work towards building that group for our path₅ graph.

2α.3 (2 points).

First, let's prove that automorphisms are closed under composition (aut_comp_aut). Then we'll define the composition function as autComp.

Hint for the lemma: Iff.trans might be handy!

@[autogradedProof 1]
lemma aut_comp_aut {α : Type} (G : PredGraph α) (f g : α → α) :
  IsGraphAutomorphism G f →
  IsGraphAutomorphism G g →
  IsGraphAutomorphism G (f ∘ g) :=

def aut_comp {α : Type} (G : PredGraph α) :
 GraphAutomorphism α G → GraphAutomorphism α G → GraphAutomorphism α G :=

-- We define convenience notation for the composition operation on the
-- automorphism group of `path₅`
infixl:90 " ∘₅ " => aut_comp C₅

2α.4 (2 points).

Now prove that this operation is associative and define an inverse function.

Hint for the inverse: how many times do you need to apply an arbitrary rotation to be guaranteed to get back to the original graph? How many times for an arbitrary rotation?

@[autogradedProof 1]
lemma GraphAutomorphism.assoc :
  ∀ (a b c : GraphAutomorphism (Fin 5) C₅), a ∘₅ b ∘₅ c = a ∘₅ (b ∘₅ c) :=

-- Note: You **do not** need to provide the `is_aut` field for the value you
-- return; feel free to `sorry` that proof.
def GraphAutomorphism.inv :
  GraphAutomorphism (Fin 5) C₅ → GraphAutomorphism (Fin 5) C₅ :=

You don't have to prove the rest, but if you did, you'd have a group! (If you've studied some group theory, see if you can identify which group this is.)

Notice also how easy it would be to generalize this group to an automorphism group of any cycle graph.

axiom GraphAutomorphism.one_mul :
  ∀ (a : GraphAutomorphism (Fin 5) C₅), (C₅_rotate_aut 0) ∘₅ a = a
axiom GraphAutomorphism.mul_one :
  ∀ (a : GraphAutomorphism (Fin 5) C₅), a ∘₅ (C₅_rotate_aut 0) = a
axiom GraphAutomorphism.mul_left_inv :
  ∀ (a : GraphAutomorphism (Fin 5) C₅),
  GraphAutomorphism.inv a ∘₅ a = C₅_rotate_aut 0

@[instance] def AutomorphismGroup_C₅ :
  Group (GraphAutomorphism (Fin 5) C₅) := {
  mul := aut_comp C₅,
  one := C₅_rotate_aut 0,
  mul_assoc := GraphAutomorphism.assoc,
  one_mul := GraphAutomorphism.one_mul,
  inv := GraphAutomorphism.inv,
  mul_one := GraphAutomorphism.mul_one,
  mul_left_inv := GraphAutomorphism.mul_left_inv,

Question 2β : Computer Networks (8 points)

Computer networks can be modeled by graphs. Suppose we have a system of routers, and we want any router to be able to send and receive information from any other router. Graph-theoretically, we say that we want our graph to be connected.

2β.1 (2 points).

We'll say a path through a graph -- represented as a list of vertices -- is valid if it:

Fill in the predicate IsPath such that IsPath G v₁ v₂ vs holds just when vs is a valid path from v₁ to v₂ in G.

inductive IsPath {α : Type} : PredGraph α → α → α → List α → Prop
-- Fill this in!

-- A graph is connected if there is a path between any two distinct vertices
def IsConnected {α : Type} (G : PredGraph α) : Prop :=
  ∀ (v₁ v₂ : α), v₁ ≠ v₂ → ∃ p, IsPath G v₁ v₂ p

Suppose now that Rob, infamous for hating routers, destroys one of the routers. It's very much possible that the destruction of that router disconnected the rest of the network, i.e., after that router is destroyed, there are some routers that can no longer communicate with others. We would call that router a separation vertex. We might consider employing the stricter condition of biconnectivity to avoid this problem. Biconnectivity is when there are no separation vertices in the graph, or, alternatively, for every two vertices there are two disjoint paths connecting them.

2β.2 (2 points).

Write an inductive predicate that holds when two lists are totally disjoint (i.e., they have no elements in common).

Hint: you may find the predicate x ∈ xs useful!

inductive ListDisj {α : Type} : List α → List α → Prop
-- Fill this in!

2β.3 (2 points).

Use the predicate above to write a definition for biconnectivity.

def IsBiconnected {α : Type} (G : PredGraph α) : Prop :=

2β.4 (2 points).

Prove that the complete graph K₄_fin defined below is biconnected.

def K₄_fin : PredGraph (Fin 4) :=
  ⟨(·≠·),  -- This is shorthand for `(λ x y => x ≠ y)`
   λ _ _ =>,
   λ _ h => h rfl⟩

-- You can disregard these declarations (they're just to help us prove
-- `exist_distinct_fin4_of_neq`)
lemma neq_fin4_of_neq (a b : ℕ) {ha : a < 4} {hb : b < 4} :
  a ≠ b → (⟨a, ha⟩ : Fin 4) ≠ (⟨b, hb⟩ : Fin 4) :=
  by intro _ h; cases h; contradiction
macro "fin_neq" : tactic =>
  `(tactic| repeat (first | apply And.intro | apply neq_fin4_of_neq | trivial))

-- You will likely find this lemma useful in your proof!
lemma exist_distinct_fin4_of_neq :
  ∀ x y : Fin 4, x ≠ y → ∃ a b : Fin 4, x ≠ a ∧ a ≠ y ∧ x ≠ b ∧ b ≠ y ∧ a ≠ b
  | ⟨0, _⟩, ⟨0, _⟩, h => absurd rfl h
  | ⟨0, _⟩, ⟨1, _⟩, _ => ⟨2, 3, by fin_neq⟩
  | ⟨0, _⟩, ⟨2, _⟩, _ => ⟨1, 3, by fin_neq⟩
  | ⟨0, _⟩, ⟨3, _⟩, _ => ⟨1, 2, by fin_neq⟩
  | ⟨1, _⟩, ⟨0, _⟩, _ => ⟨2, 3, by fin_neq⟩
  | ⟨1, _⟩, ⟨1, _⟩, h => absurd rfl h
  | ⟨1, _⟩, ⟨2, _⟩, _ => ⟨0, 3, by fin_neq⟩
  | ⟨1, _⟩, ⟨3, _⟩, _ => ⟨0, 2, by fin_neq⟩
  | ⟨2, _⟩, ⟨0, _⟩, _ => ⟨1, 3, by fin_neq⟩
  | ⟨2, _⟩, ⟨1, _⟩, _ => ⟨0, 3, by fin_neq⟩
  | ⟨2, _⟩, ⟨2, _⟩, h => absurd rfl h
  | ⟨2, _⟩, ⟨3, _⟩, _ => ⟨0, 1, by fin_neq⟩
  | ⟨3, _⟩, ⟨0, _⟩, _ => ⟨1, 2, by fin_neq⟩
  | ⟨3, _⟩, ⟨1, _⟩, _ => ⟨0, 2, by fin_neq⟩
  | ⟨3, _⟩, ⟨2, _⟩, _ => ⟨0, 1, by fin_neq⟩
  | ⟨3, _⟩, ⟨3, _⟩, h => absurd rfl h

@[autogradedProof 2]
theorem K₄_fin_is_biconnected : IsBiconnected K₄_fin :=

end LoVe