import LoVe.Lectures.LoVe14_RationalAndRealNumbers_Demo

FPV Homework 9: Rationals, Reals, Quotients

Homework must be done in accordance with the course policies on collaboration and academic integrity.

Replace the placeholders (e.g., := sorry) with your solutions. When you are finished, submit only this file to the appropriate Gradescope assignment. Remember that the autograder does not determine your final grade.

namespace LoVe

Question 1 (4 points): Cauchy Sequences

1.1 (4 points). In the demo, we sorry'ed the proof that the sum of two Cauchy sequences is Cauchy. Prove this!

Hint: depending on how you approach this, you might want to do a long calc-mode proof. Recall that calc-mode proofs look as follows:

lemma quarter_pos {x : ℚ} (hx : 0 < x) : 0 < x / 4 :=
  have hx2 : 0 < x / 2 := half_pos hx
  calc 0 < (x / 2) / 2 := half_pos hx2
       _ = x / (2 * 2) := by ring
       _ = x / 4       := by ring

lemma sum_is_cauchy (f g : ℕ → ℚ) (hf : IsCauchySeq f) (hg : IsCauchySeq g) :
  IsCauchySeq (λ n => f n + g n) :=

Question 2 (4 points): Operations on the Reals

2.1 (3 points). In the demo, we proved add_comm on the reals by first proving it for Cauchy sequences and then lifting this proof. Follow this same procedure to prove a lemma zero_add that says that 0 + x = x for any real number x. State the lemma yourself (along with any helper lemmas you may need -- we suggest defining something like add_def, proved by rfl)!

open LoVe.CauchySeq

-- Write your answer to 2.1 here

2.2 (1 point). Every rational number corresponds to a real number. Define this coercion.

instance ratRealCoe : Coe ℚ Real :=
{ coe :=
  sorry }

namespace Dedekind

Question 3 (16 points): Dedekind Cuts

In class, we defined the real numbers with a quotient on Cauchy sequence. In the end, we mentioned that there are many ways to define real numbers. If you have taken an analysis class, you will most likely be introduced to the concept of Dedekind Cuts. Loosely, a real r ∈ ℝ is defined as the open set

{x : ℚ | x < r}

with the r being the supremum (least upper bound) of the set. Of course, this definition is not precise, since it uses the real number r to define itself! We'll make it clearer below.

This definition is geometrically pleasing, conveying the idea that "Reals fill the number line". However, it may not be as easy to define in Lean.

Different from questions encountered before where we provide some type of structure to the proof, in this question, we will not give much structure, and you need to make design choices yourself. This may include designing the structure, thinking of what lemmas you need, look for theorems yourself and use instance to your advantage to provide with syntactic sugar. We will only guide you through the key ideas. This will hopefully give you some idea of what a math-oriented final project will feel like.

We STRONGLY SUGGEST you READ EVERYTHING before you start writing any definitions and proofs. This will give you a fuller picture about what you need to do, as your definitions do matter A LOT to how easy proofs will be.

3.1 (2 points): Defining Dedekind Cuts

We first formalize Dedekind cuts. We suggest using the definition in rudin (p. 17):

We restate it here:

A subset α ⊂ ℚ is called a cut if it satisfies the following properties:

  1. Nontrivial: α is not empty and α ≠ ℚ
  2. Closed Downwards: If p ∈ α, q ∈ ℚ, and q < p, then q ∈ α
  3. Open Upwards: If p ∈ α, then p > r for some r ∈ α

Recall that Set α in Lean represents, mathematically, a subset of the type α.

example : Set ℚ := {q : ℚ | q > 5 ∧ q < 10}

Your task: define the type dReal of Dedekind cuts.

axiom dReal : Type -- replace this with your definition

3.2 (3 points): Coercion from Reals

Rational Numbers are automatically Dedekind cuts. Consider a rational number p : ℚ; the set that represets it is

π = { r : ℚ | r < p }

  1. Define a function Rat.todReal that converts to dReal.

At some point, you will want to prove that this set satisfies the properties required by dReal. This will include a proof for π being open-upwards. The proof sketch for this is the following: Given any s ∈ π, define r = (s + p) / 2, show that s < r < p.

  1. Define

You may want to write a few more lemmas to make your life easier later, but if you cannot think of one, it is fine. If you get stuck, you can always come back later and add them.

In particular, we find it convenient to talk about membership of a rational number in a cut. Consider defining instance : Membership ℚ (dReal) := ...

def Rat.todReal : ℚ → dReal :=

instance : Coe ℚ dReal := ⟨Rat.todReal⟩

def : dReal :=

3.3 (4 points): State and prove lemmas

rudin also provided two lemmas "as a direct consequence" of the definition. State them and prove them.

For any Dedekind cut α and rationals p, q:

  1. If p ∈ α and q ∉ α then q > p
  2. If r ∉ α and r < s then s ∉ α
-- Write your lemmas here

3.4 (5 points): Define Addition

Define addition as

α + β = { p + q | ∃ p ∈ α, q ∈ β }.

def dReal.add (a b: dReal) : dReal := sorry

-- los

3.5 (2 points): Define Negation (Additive Inverses)

For some cut α ⊂ ℚ, think about how you would go defining its negation . Remember the geometric meaning of a cut. Check your solution with rudin.

We do not require you to prove that negation is actually a Dedekind cut; just define the underlying set. You can sorry out the proof obligations. Take these on for bonus points if you feel like it!

-- define this:
def dReal.negCut (a : dReal) : Set ℚ :=

-- you don't need to define this!
def dReal.neg (a : dReal) : dReal := sorry

3.6 (street cred): Defining Commutative Group under Addition

There's a lot more you could go on to define. An obvious target: showing that dReal is a commutative group!

This is a bonus challenge and can be quite time consuming. We strongly recommend using lots of helper lemmas if you take this on!

The nsmul and zsmul fields are annoying implementation details. We have filled these in for you.

instance : AddCommGroup dReal where
  add := dReal.add
  add_assoc := sorry
  zero :=
  zero_add := sorry
  add_zero := sorry
  nsmul := @nsmulRec _ ⟨⟩ ⟨dReal.add⟩
  neg := dReal.neg
  zsmul :=
    @zsmulRec _ ⟨⟩ ⟨dReal.add⟩ ⟨dReal.neg⟩
      (@nsmulRec _ ⟨⟩ ⟨dReal.add⟩)
  add_left_neg := sorry
  add_comm := sorry

end Dedekind

end LoVe