import LoVe.Lectures.LoVe01_02_TypesAndTerms_Demo

FPV Lab 1: Definitions and Statements

Replace the placeholders (e.g., := sorry) with your solutions.

set_option autoImplicit false
set_option tactic.hygienic false

namespace LoVe

Question 1: Terms

Complete the following definitions by replacing the sorry markers with terms of the expected type.

Hint: A procedure for doing so systematically is described in Section 1.4 of the Hitchhiker's Guide. As explained there, you can use _ as a placeholder while constructing a term. By hovering over _, you will see the current logical context.

def I : α → α :=
  fun a ↦ a

def K : α → β → α :=
  fun a b ↦ a

def C : (α → β → γ) → β → α → γ :=

def projFst : α → α → α :=

Give a different answer than for projFst.

def projSnd : α → α → α :=

def someNonsense : (α → β → γ) → α → (α → γ) → β → γ :=

Question 2: Typing Derivation

Show the typing derivation for your definition of C above, on paper or using ASCII or Unicode art. You might find the characters (to draw horizontal bars) and useful.

-- write your solution in a comment here or on paper

Question 3: Arithmetic Expressions

Consider the type AExp from the lecture and the function eval that computes the value of an expression. You will find the definitions in the file LoVe02_ProgramsAndTheorems_Demo.lean. One way to find them quickly is to

  1. Hold down the Control (on Linux and Windows) or Command (on macOS) key,
  2. Move the cursor to the identifier AExp or eval, and
  3. Click the identifier.
#check AExp
#check eval


Test that eval behaves as expected. Make sure to exercise each constructor at least once. You can use the following environment in your tests. What happens if you divide by zero?

Note that #eval (Lean's evaluation command) and eval (our evaluation function on AExp) are unrelated.

def someEnv : String → ℤ
  | "x" => 3
  | "y" => 17
  | _   => 201

#eval eval someEnv (AExp.var "x")   -- expected: 3
-- invoke `#eval` here


The following function simplifies arithmetic expressions involving addition. It simplifies 0 + e and e + 0 to e. Complete the definition so that it also simplifies expressions involving the other three binary operators.

def simplify : AExp → AExp
  | AExp.add (AExp.num 0) e₂ => simplify e₂
  | AExp.add e₁ (AExp.num 0) => simplify e₁
  -- insert the missing cases here
  -- catch-all cases below
  | AExp.num i               => AExp.num i
  | AExp.var x               => AExp.var x
  | AExp.add e₁ e₂           => AExp.add (simplify e₁) (simplify e₂)
  | AExp.sub e₁ e₂           => AExp.sub (simplify e₁) (simplify e₂)
  | AExp.mul e₁ e₂           => AExp.mul (simplify e₁) (simplify e₂)
  | AExp.div e₁ e₂           => AExp.div (simplify e₁) (simplify e₂)


Is the simplify function correct? In fact, what would it mean for it to be correct or not? Intuitively, for simplify to be correct, it must return an arithmetic expression that yields the same numeric value when evaluated as the original expression.

Given an environment env and an expression e, state (without proving it) the property that the value of e after simplification is the same as the value of e before.

theorem simplify_correct (env : String → ℤ) (e : AExp) :
  True :=   -- replace `True` with your theorem statement
  sorry     -- leave `sorry` alone

Question 4: Lists and Options

Another common inductive datatype in functional programming is the Option type. Intuitively, an Option α is a "possibly-empty container" that either holds a single value of type α or is "empty." The type is defined as follows:

inductive Option (α : Type) | none : Option α | some (val : α) : Option α

We can pattern-match on options just as we do on Lists or AExps.

Here are some examples of options:

#check (none : Option Nat)
#check (none : Option Bool)
#check some "hello"
#check some 14
#check some (λ x => 2 * x)


Declare a function omap : (α → β) → List (Option α) → List (Option β) that applies a provided function to every non-"empty" element of a list of options. In other words, given a function f and list xs, omap should take every element of xs of the form some x to the element some (f x) in the output; and it should take every element of xs of the form none to none in the output. Here's an example:

omap (λ x => x + 1) [some 0, none, some 2] = [some 1, none, some 3]

def omap {α β : Type} (f : α → β) : List (Option α) → List (Option β)
  := sorry


State as Lean theorems (without proving them) the so-called functorial properties of omap, which are stated informally below:

Try to give meaningful names to your theorems, and make sure to state them as generally as possible. You can enter sorry in lieu of a proof.

-- Write your theorem statements here