import LoVe.Lectures.LoVe03_BackwardProofs_Demo

FPV Lab 2: Backward Proofs

Replace the placeholders (e.g., := sorry) with your solutions.

namespace LoVe

namespace BackwardProofs

Question 1: Connectives and Quantifiers

1.1. Carry out the following proofs using basic tactics.

Hint: Some strategies for carrying out such proofs are described at the end of Section 3.3 in the Hitchhiker's Guide.

theorem I (a : Prop) :
  a → a :=

theorem K (a b : Prop) :
  a → b → b :=

theorem C (a b c : Prop) :
  (a → b → c) → b → a → c :=

theorem proj_fst (a : Prop) :
  a → a → a :=

Please give a different answer than for proj_fst:

theorem proj_snd (a : Prop) :
  a → a → a :=

theorem some_nonsense (a b c : Prop) :
  (a → b → c) → a → (a → c) → b → c :=

1.2. Prove the contraposition rule using basic tactics.

theorem contrapositive (a b : Prop) :
  (a → b) → ¬ b → ¬ a :=

1.3. Prove the distributivity of over using basic tactics.

Hint: This exercise is tricky, especially the right-to-left direction. Some forward reasoning, like in the proof of and_swap_braces in the lecture, might be necessary.

theorem forall_and {α : Type} (p q : α → Prop) :
  (∀x, p x ∧ q x) ↔ (∀x, p x) ∧ (∀x, q x) :=

Question 2: Natural Numbers

2.1. Prove the following recursive equations on the first argument of the mul operator defined in lecture 1.

#check mul

theorem mul_zero (n : ℕ) :
  mul 0 n = 0 :=

#check add_succ
theorem mul_succ (m n : ℕ) :
  mul (Nat.succ m) n = add (mul m n) n :=

2.2. Prove commutativity and associativity of multiplication using the induction tactic. Choose the induction variable carefully.

theorem mul_comm (m n : ℕ) :
  mul m n = mul n m :=

theorem mul_assoc (l m n : ℕ) :
  mul (mul l m) n = mul l (mul m n) :=

2.3. Prove the symmetric variant of mul_add using rw. To apply commutativity at a specific position, instantiate the rule by passing some arguments (e.g., mul_comm _ l).

theorem add_mul (l m n : ℕ) :
  mul (add l m) n = add (mul n l) (mul n m) :=

Question 3 (optional): Intuitionistic Logic

As we discuss on this week's homework (see question 2.2), the rules we've been working with so far describe intuitionistic logic. There are some things, however, that "seem" true but can't be proved using just our intuitionistic rules. (What are some of these things? We'll see momentarily!) To prove such statements, we require classical logic.

Intuitionistic logic is extended to classical logic by assuming a classical axiom. There are several possibilities for the choice of axiom. In this question, we are concerned with the logical equivalence of three different axioms:

def ExcludedMiddle : Prop :=
  ∀a : Prop, a ∨ ¬ a

def Peirce : Prop :=
  ∀a b : Prop, ((a → b) → a) → a

def DoubleNegation : Prop :=
  ∀a : Prop, (¬¬ a) → a

For the proofs below, avoid using theorems from Lean's Classical namespace.

3.1 (optional). Prove the following implication using tactics.

Hint: You will need Or.elim and False.elim. You can use rw [ExcludedMiddle] to unfold the definition of ExcludedMiddle, and similarly for Peirce.

theorem Peirce_of_EM :
  ExcludedMiddle → Peirce :=

3.2 (optional). Prove the following implication using tactics.

theorem DN_of_Peirce :
  Peirce → DoubleNegation :=

We leave the remaining implication for the homework:

namespace SorryTheorems

theorem EM_of_DN :
  DoubleNegation → ExcludedMiddle :=

end SorryTheorems

end BackwardProofs

end LoVe