-- TODO: fix import before posting
import LoVe.Lectures.LoVe04_ForwardProofs_Demo

FPV Lab 4: Functional Programming

Replace the placeholders (e.g., := sorry) with your solutions.

set_option autoImplicit false

namespace LoVe

Question 1: Reverse of a List

We define an accumulator-based variant of reverse. The first argument, as, serves as the accumulator. This definition is tail-recursive, meaning that compilers and interpreters can easily optimize the recursion away, resulting in more efficient code.

def reverseAccu {α : Type} : List α → List α → List α
  | as, []      => as
  | as, x :: xs => reverseAccu (x :: as) xs

1.1. Our intention is that reverseAccu [] xs should be equal to reverse xs. But if we start an induction, we quickly see that the induction hypothesis is not strong enough. Start by proving the following generalization (using the induction tactic or pattern matching):

theorem reverseAccu_Eq_reverse_append {α : Type} :
  ∀ as xs : List α, reverseAccu as xs = reverse xs ++ as
:=   sorry

1.2. Derive the desired equation.

theorem reverseAccu_eq_reverse {α : Type} (xs : List α) :
  reverseAccu [] xs = reverse xs :=

1.3. Prove the following property.

Hint: A one-line inductionless proof is possible.

theorem reverseAccu_reverseAccu {α : Type} (xs : List α) :
  reverseAccu [] (reverseAccu [] xs) = xs :=

Question 2: Vectors and Matrices

Recall the type constructor Vec : Type → Nat → Type that represents a sequence of values of a particular length.

inductive Vec (α : Type) : Nat → Type
  | nil                                  : Vec α 0
  | cons (a : α) {n : Nat} (v : Vec α n) : Vec α (n + 1)

-- The section below defines notation for vectors. You do not need to understand
-- this code; we recommend "collapsing" it by clicking the arrow that appears
-- when hovering to the left of `section`.
syntax "V[" withoutPosition(term,*) "]"  : term
  | `(V[ $[$elems],* ]) => do
      elems.foldrM (β := Lean.Term) (init := (← `(Vec.nil))) λ x k =>
        `(Vec.cons $x $k)

def joinSepV {α : Type} [Std.ToFormat α] {n : Nat}
    : Vec α n → Std.Format → Std.Format
  | V[],    _   => .nil
  | V[a],   _   => Std.format a
  | Vec.cons a as, sep => Std.format a ++ sep ++ joinSepV as sep
instance {α} [Repr α] {n : Nat} : Repr (Vec α n) := ⟨λ
  | V[], _ => "V[]"
  | as, _ =>
    let _ : Std.ToFormat α := ⟨repr⟩
    Std.Format.bracket "V[" (joinSepV as ("," ++ Std.Format.line)) "]"

@[app_unexpander Vec.nil] def unexpandVecNil : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander
  | `($(_)) => `(V[])
@[app_unexpander Vec.cons] def unexpandVecCons : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander
  | `($(_) $x V[])      => `(V[$x])
  | `($(_) $x V[$xs,*]) => `(V[$x, $xs,*])
  | _                  => throw ()

-- Here are some sample vectors using both explicit and shorthand notations:
#eval (Vec.nil : Vec String 0)
#eval (V[] : Vec Bool 0)
#eval (Vec.cons "hello" (Vec.cons "world" Vec.nil) : Vec String 2)
#eval (V[1, 9, 5, 1] : Vec Nat 4)

namespace Vec

We can define functions on vectors just as we do on lists and trees. For instance, here's an append function on vectors analogous to its counterpart for lists:

def append {α : Type} {m n : Nat} : Vec α m → Vec α n → Vec α (n + m)
  | Vec.nil      , ys => ys
  | Vec.cons x xs, ys => Vec.cons x (append xs ys)

#check append V[3, 1] V[4, 1, 5]
#eval append V[3, 1] V[4, 1, 5]

2.1. Implement the function dotProduct that computes the dot product of two equal-dimensional (i.e., equal-length in the programmatic sense) vectors with integer coordinates (i.e., elements). The dot product of two vectors V[v₁, v₂, ..., vₙ] and V[w₁, w₂, ..., wₙ] is the number v₁ * w₁ + v₂ * w₂ + ... + vₙ * wₙ, or, more formally, ∑_{i=1}^n (vᵢ * wᵢ).

def dotProduct {n : Nat} : Vec Nat n → Vec Nat n → Nat
  := sorry

2.2. We define the melding (a coined term) of two equal-length vectors to be the vector formed by applying a combining function to each corresponding pair of elements in the two vectors. For instance, the melding of V[1, 2, 3] and V[4, 5, 6] using the combining function (·+·) would be the vector V[5, 7, 9].

Implement a function meld that performs this operation. (You'll need to fill in both the type and body of the function.) Ensure that the type of meld is as general as possible.

def meld : sorry := sorry

The product of two types α and β, denoted α × β, is the type of pairs (a, b) such that a : α and b : β. ((a, b) is syntactic sugar for Prod.mk a b, where Prod.mk : ∀ {α β : Type}, α → β → α × β.)

#check (1, 2)
#check Prod.mk 1951 "X"

2.3. The zipping of two vectors is the vector formed by pairing corresponding elements. For instance, zipping V[1, 2, 3] : Vec Nat 3 and ["a", "b", "c"] : Vec String 3 yields the vector [(1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c")] : Vec (Nat × String) 3.

Use meld to implement zip. The only modification you may make to the line below is to replace sorry with a non-recursive function.

def zip {α β : Type} {n : Nat} : Vec α n → Vec β n → Vec (α × β) n :=
  meld sorry

2.4. Prove the lemma below that says that appending and melding can be done in either order -- that is, that melding the results of appending two pairs of vectors is the same as appending the result of melding two pairs of vectors.

You may prove your base case however you wish. However, for the inductive case, you must use calc mode, and you may only use the following terms in your proof (i.e., as "justifications" after the := in calc mode):

(In practice, this means that you need to "step" your code as you would in a pen-and-paper proof; you can't use simp to bypass reasoning steps.)

You will also need to fill in the ih declaration with the appropriate variables.

theorem meld_append {α β γ : Type} {m n : Nat} (f : α → β → γ) :
  ∀ (vs : Vec α n) (ws : Vec β n) (xs : Vec α m) (ys : Vec β m),
    meld f (append vs xs) (append ws ys) =
    append (meld f vs ws) (meld f xs ys)
  | Vec.nil, Vec.nil, xs, ys =>
  | Vec.cons v vs, Vec.cons w ws, xs, ys =>
    have ih := meld_append sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

end Vec

2.5. Having defined vectors, we now turn our attention to matrices. An r-by-c matrix is a "grid" of numerical entries (we'll use the naturals to make things simple) with r rows and c columns. We can think of them as vectors of vectors: either a length-c vector of r-element column vectors, or a length-r vector of c-element row vectors.

For this problem, we'll use the row-wise representation: that is, we'll think of matrices as a vector containing row vectors.

Fill in the type-level function that defines this type below. That is, Mat r c should evaluate to the type whose values are row-wise representations of matrices that store natural numbers as their entries.

def Mat (r : Nat) (c : Nat) : Type :=

-- The errors below should disappear if you've defined the type correctly!
#eval (V[] : Mat 0 0)
#eval (V[V[11, 12], V[21, 22], V[31, 32]] : Mat 3 2)
#eval (V[V[1, 3, 4], V[2, 2, 5]] : Mat 2 3)

2.6. The first kind of matrix operation we'll implement is extracting subcomponents. Below, implement the functions getRow and getCol that, respectively, extract a row or column at a specified index from a matrix.

Notice an interesting feature of these functions: they each take as an argument a proof that the requested row or column index is legal for the given matrix. This allows us to enforce the legality of arguments at the type level.

We provide two helper functions below that you will likely find helpful. (Hint: notice the second explicit argument to Vec.nth!)

def Vec.map {α β : Type} {n : Nat} (f : α → β) : Vec α n → Vec β n
  | Vec.nil       => Vec.nil
  | Vec.cons x xs => Vec.cons (f x) (Vec.map f xs)

def Vec.nth {α : Type} {n : Nat} : ∀ (i : Nat), i < n → Vec α n → α
  | 0    , h, Vec.cons x _  => x
  | n + 1, h, Vec.cons x xs => Vec.nth n (Nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ h) xs

namespace Mat

def getRow {r c : Nat} (i : Nat) (h : i < r) (m : Mat r c) : Vec Nat c :=

def getCol {r c : Nat} (i : Nat) (h : i < c) (m : Mat r c) : Vec Nat r :=

2.7. Our second matrix operation is addition. Matrix addition proceeds component-wise: e.g., ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ | a b | + | e f | = | a+e b+f | | c d | | g h | | c+g d+h | └ ┘ └ ┘ └ ┘

Below, implement a function add for adding two matrices.

Hint: You're free to use any of the vector helper functions we've defined, including Vec.meld, Vec.zip, and Vec.map. There are many solutions; see if you can find one that is particularly concise and expressive.

def add {r c : Nat} : Mat r c → Mat r c → Mat r c :=

end Mat

Question 3: Drop and Take

The drop function removes the first n elements from the front of a list.

def drop {α : Type} : ℕ → List α → List α
  | 0,     xs      => xs
  | _ + 1, []      => []
  | m + 1, _ :: xs => drop m xs

3.1. Define the take function, which returns a list consisting of the the first n elements at the front of a list.

To avoid unpleasant surprises in the proofs, we recommend that you follow the same recursion pattern as for drop above.

def take {α : Type} : ℕ → List α → List α
:=   sorry

#eval take 0 [3, 7, 11]   -- expected: []
#eval take 1 [3, 7, 11]   -- expected: [3]
#eval take 2 [3, 7, 11]   -- expected: [3, 7]
#eval take 3 [3, 7, 11]   -- expected: [3, 7, 11]
#eval take 4 [3, 7, 11]   -- expected: [3, 7, 11]

#eval take 2 ["a", "b", "c"]   -- expected: ["a", "b"]

3.2. Prove the following theorems, using induction or pattern matching. Notice that they are registered as simplification rules thanks to the @[simp] attribute.

@[simp] theorem drop_nil {α : Type} :
  ∀n : ℕ, drop n ([] : List α) = []
:=   sorry

@[simp] theorem take_nil {α : Type} :
  ∀n : ℕ, take n ([] : List α) = []
:=   sorry

3.3. Follow the recursion pattern of drop and take to prove the following theorems. In other words, for each theorem, there should be three cases, and the third case will need to invoke the induction hypothesis.

Hint: Note that there are three variables in the drop_drop theorem (but only two arguments to drop). For the third case, ← add_assoc might be useful.

theorem drop_drop {α : Type} :
  ∀(m n : ℕ) (xs : List α), drop n (drop m xs) = drop (n + m) xs
  | 0,     n, xs      => by rfl
  -- supply the two missing cases here

theorem take_take {α : Type} :
  ∀(m : ℕ) (xs : List α), take m (take m xs) = take m xs
:=   sorry

theorem take_drop {α : Type} :
  ∀(n : ℕ) (xs : List α), take n xs ++ drop n xs = xs
:=   sorry

Question 4: A Type of Terms

4.1. Define an inductive type corresponding to the terms of the untyped λ-calculus, as given by the following grammar:

Term  ::=  `var` String        -- variable (e.g., `x`)
        |  `lam` String Term   -- λ-expression (e.g., `λx. t`)
        |  `app` Term Term     -- application (e.g., `t u`)
-- enter your definition here

4.2. Register a textual representation of the type term as an instance of the Repr type class. Make sure to supply enough parentheses to guarantee that the output is unambiguous.

def Term.repr : Term → String
-- enter your answer here

instance Term.Repr : Repr Term :=
  { reprPrec := fun t prec ↦ Term.repr t }

4.3. Test your textual representation. The following command should print something like (λx. ((y x) x)).

#eval (Term.lam "x" (Term.app (Term.app (Term.var "y") (Term.var "x"))
    (Term.var "x")))

end LoVe