Copyright © 2018–2023 Anne Baanen, Alexander Bentkamp, Jasmin Blanchette, Johannes Hölzl, and Jannis Limperg. See LICENSE.txt.

import LoVe.LoVelib

FPV Lecture 1: Types, Terms, Definitions (Ch. 1-2)

We start our journey by studying the basics of Lean, starting with terms (expressions) and their types.

namespace LoVe

A View of Lean

In a first approximation:

Lean = functional programming + logic

In today's lecture, we cover the syntax of types and terms, which are similar to those of the simply typed λ-calculus or typed functional programming languages (ML, OCaml, Haskell).


Types σ, τ, υ:

Some type constructors T are written infix, e.g., (function type).

The function arrow is right-associative: σ₁ → σ₂ → σ₃ → τ = σ₁ → (σ₂ → (σ₃ → τ)).

Polymorphic types are also possible. In Lean, the type variables must be bound using , e.g., ∀α, α → α.

#check reports the type of its argument.

#check ℕ
#check ℤ

#check Empty
#check Unit
#check Bool

#check ℕ → ℤ
#check ℤ → ℕ
#check Bool → ℕ → ℤ
#check (Bool → ℕ) → ℤ
#check ℕ → (Bool → ℕ) → ℤ


Terms t, u:

Currying: functions can be

Application is left-associative: f x y z = ((f x) y) z.

#check fun x : ℕ ↦ x
#check fun f : ℕ → ℕ ↦ fun g : ℕ → ℕ ↦ fun h : ℕ → ℕ ↦
  fun x : ℕ ↦ h (g (f x))
#check fun (f g h : ℕ → ℕ) (x : ℕ) ↦ h (g (f x))

opaque defines an arbitrary constant of the specified type.

opaque a : ℤ
opaque b : ℤ
opaque f : ℤ → ℤ
opaque g : ℤ → ℤ → ℤ

#check fun x : ℤ ↦ g (f (g a x)) (g x b)
#check fun x ↦ g (f (g a x)) (g x b)

#check fun x ↦ x

Type Checking and Type Inference

Type checking and type inference are decidable problems (although this property is quickly lost if features such as overloading or subtyping are added).

Type judgment: C ⊢ t : σ, meaning t has type σ in local context C.

Typing rules:

—————————— Cst   if c is globally declared with type σ
C ⊢ c : σ

—————————— Var   if x : σ is the rightmost occurrence of x in C
C ⊢ x : σ

C ⊢ t : σ → τ    C ⊢ u : σ
——————————————————————————— App
C ⊢ t u : τ

C, x : σ ⊢ t : τ
——————————————————————————— Fun
C ⊢ (fun x : σ ↦ t) : σ → τ

If the same variable x occurs multiple times in the context C, the rightmost occurrence shadows the other ones.

We'll do an example "type derivation" using these rules on the board in class. This syntax won't come up that much this semester, but the typing rules certainly will. If you dabble in the programming languages, type theory, or logic literature, you'll see these sorts of judgments all over the place.

Type Inhabitation

Given a type σ, the type inhabitation problem consists of finding a term of that type. Type inhabitation is undecidable.

Recursive procedure:

  1. If σ is of the form τ → υ, a candidate inhabitant is an anonymous function of the form fun x ↦ _.

  2. Alternatively, you can use any constant or variable x : τ₁ → ⋯ → τN → σ to build the term x _ … _.

opaque α : Type
opaque β : Type
opaque γ : Type

def someFunOfType : (α → β → γ) → ((β → α) → β) → α → γ :=
  fun f g a ↦ f a (g (fun b ↦ a))

Type Definitions

An inductive type (also called inductive datatype, algebraic datatype, or just datatype) is a type that consists all the values that can be built using a finite number of applications of its constructors, and only those.

Natural Numbers

namespace MyNat

Definition of type Nat (= ) of natural numbers, using unary notation:

inductive Nat : Type where
  | zero : Nat
  | succ : Nat → Nat

#check Nat
#check Nat.succ

#print outputs the definition of its argument.

#print Nat

end MyNat

Outside namespace MyNat, Nat refers to the type defined in the Lean core library unless it is qualified by the MyNat namespace.

#print Nat
#print MyNat.Nat

Arithmetic Expressions

inductive AExp : Type where
  | num : ℤ → AExp
  | var : String → AExp
  | add : AExp → AExp → AExp
  | sub : AExp → AExp → AExp
  | mul : AExp → AExp → AExp
  | div : AExp → AExp → AExp


namespace MyList

inductive List (α : Type) where
  | nil  : List α
  | cons : α → List α → List α

#check List

#check List.nil
#check List.cons

#print List

end MyList

#print List
#print MyList.List

Function Definitions

The syntax for defining a function operating on an inductive type is very compact: We define a single function and use pattern matching to extract the arguments to the constructors.

def fib : ℕ → ℕ
  | 0     => 0
  | 1     => 1
  | n + 2 => fib (n + 1) + fib n

When there are multiple arguments, separate the patterns by ,:

def add : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
  | m,   => m
  | m, Nat.succ n => Nat.succ (add m n)

#eval and #reduce evaluate and output the value of a term.

#eval add 2 7
#reduce add 2 7

def mul : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
  | _,   =>
  | m, Nat.succ n => add m (mul m n)

#eval mul 2 7

#print mul

def power : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
  | _,   => 1
  | m, Nat.succ n => mul m (power m n)

#eval power 2 5

add, mul, and power are artificial examples. These operations are already available in Lean as +, *, and ^.

If it is not necessary to pattern-match on an argument, it can be moved to the left of the : and made a named argument:

def powerParam (m : ℕ) : ℕ → ℕ
  |   => 1
  | Nat.succ n => mul m (powerParam m n)

#eval powerParam 2 5

def iter (α : Type) (z : α) (f : α → α) : ℕ → α
  |   => z
  | Nat.succ n => f (iter α z f n)

#check iter

def powerIter (m n : ℕ) : ℕ :=
  iter ℕ 1 (mul m) n

#eval powerIter 2 5

def append (α : Type) : List α → List α → List α
  | List.nil,       ys => ys
  | List.cons x xs, ys => List.cons x (append α xs ys)

def reverse {α : Type} : List α → List α
  | []      => []
  | x :: xs => reverse xs ++ [x]

def eval (env : String → ℤ) : AExp → ℤ
  | AExp.num i     => i
  | AExp.var x     => env x
  | AExp.add e₁ e₂ => eval env e₁ + eval env e₂
  | AExp.sub e₁ e₂ => eval env e₁ - eval env e₂
  | AExp.mul e₁ e₂ => eval env e₁ * eval env e₂
  | AExp.div e₁ e₂ => eval env e₁ / eval env e₂

#eval eval (fun x ↦ 7) (AExp.div (AExp.var "y") (AExp.num 0))

Lean only accepts the function definitions for which it can prove termination. In particular, it accepts structurally recursive functions, which peel off exactly one constructor at a time.

Theorem Statements

Notice the similarity with def commands. theorem is like def except that the result is a proposition rather than data or a function.

namespace SorryTheorems

theorem add_comm (m n : ℕ) :
  add m n = add n m :=

theorem add_assoc (l m n : ℕ) :
  add (add l m) n = add l (add m n) :=

theorem mul_comm (m n : ℕ) :
  mul m n = mul n m :=

theorem mul_assoc (l m n : ℕ) :
  mul (mul l m) n = mul l (mul m n) :=

theorem mul_add (l m n : ℕ) :
  mul l (add m n) = add (mul l m) (mul l n) :=

theorem reverse_reverse {α : Type} (xs : List α) :
  reverse (reverse xs) = xs :=

Axioms are like theorems but without proofs. Opaque declarations are like definitions but without bodies.

opaque a : ℤ
opaque b : ℤ

axiom a_less_b :
  a < b

end SorryTheorems

A preview of Ch. 4

We just defined "basic" types like , and "compound" types like list ℕ and ℕ → ℕ.

We even saw hints of "type parametricity," like for id: (Note: read Sort as Type.)

def eid (α : Type) (a : α) : α := a
#check eid

But in general, every term has a type associated with it. Terms are on the left of the : and types are on the right. There was some weirdness here when we wrote #check Type and the answer was Type 1...

Consider a function pick that take a number n : ℕ and that returns a number between 0 and n. Conceptually, pick has a dependent type, namely

`(n : ℕ) → {i : ℕ // i ≤ n}`

We can think of this type as a -indexed family, where each member's type may depend on the index:

`pick n : {i : ℕ // i ≤ n}`

This is a type that contains, or depends on, a (non-Type) term.

#check Fin 10
#check (2 : Fin 10)

#check (n : ℕ) → {i : ℕ // i ≤ n}

Example of a term that depends on a term:

Example of a term that depends on a type:

Example of a type that depends on a type:

Unless otherwise specified, a dependent type means a type depending on a term. This is what we mean when we say that simple type theory does not support dependent types.

In summary, there are four cases for fun x ↦ t in the calculus of inductive constructions (cf. Barendregt's λ-cube):

Body (t) Argument (x) Description
A term depending on a term Simply typed anonymous function
A type depending on a term Dependent type (strictly speaking)
A term depending on a type Polymorphic term
A type depending on a type Type constructor
end LoVe