Copyright © 2018–2023 Anne Baanen, Alexander Bentkamp, Jasmin Blanchette, Johannes Hölzl, and Jannis Limperg. See LICENSE.txt.

import LoVe.Lectures.LoVe01_02_TypesAndTerms_Demo

LoVe Demo 3: Backward Proofs

A tactic operates on a proof goal and either proves it or creates new subgoals. Tactics are a backward proof mechanism: They start from the goal and work towards the available hypotheses and theorems.

namespace LoVe

namespace BackwardProofs

Tactic Mode

Syntax of tactical proofs:


The keyword by indicates to Lean the proof is tactical.

theorem fst_of_two_props :
    ∀a b : Prop, a → b → a := by
  intro a b
  intro ha hb
  apply ha

Note that a → b → a is parsed as a → (b → a). The done tactic at the end is not necessary, but can help us in our heads to delineate the boundary of the proof. (I think of by ... done as the delimiters of the scope of the proof.)

Propositions in Lean are terms of type Prop. Prop is a type, just like Nat and List Bool. In fact there is a close correspondence between propositons and types, which will be explained in chapter 4.

Basic Tactics

intro moves -quantified variables, or the assumptions of implications , from the goal's conclusion (after ) into the goal's hypotheses (before ).

apply matches the goal's conclusion with the conclusion of the specified theorem and adds the theorem's hypotheses as new goals.

Food for thought: how do these compare to the typing derivation rules for lambda and application expressions?

theorem fst_of_two_props_params (a b : Prop) (ha : a) (hb : b) :
    a := by
  apply ha

theorem prop_comp (a b c : Prop) (hab : a → b) (hbc : b → c) :
    a → c := by
  intro ha
  apply hbc
  apply hab
  apply ha

The above proof step by step:

Next, exact matches the goal's conclusion with the specified theorem, closing the goal. We can often use apply in such situations, but exact communicates our intentions better.

theorem fst_of_two_props_exact (a b : Prop) (ha : a) (hb : b) :
    a :=
  by exact ha

assumption finds a hypothesis from the local context that matches the goal's conclusion and applies it to prove the goal.

theorem fst_of_two_props_assumption (a b : Prop)
  (ha : a) (hb : b) :
    a :=
  by assumption

Reasoning about Logical Connectives and Quantifiers

Introduction rules:

#check True.intro
#check And.intro
#check Or.inl
#check Or.inr
#check Iff.intro
#check Exists.intro

Elimination rules:

#check False.elim
#check And.left
#check And.right
#check Or.elim
#check Iff.mpr
#check Exists.elim

Definition of ¬ and related theorems:

#print Not
#check Classical.em
#check Classical.byContradiction

There are no explicit rules for Not (¬) since ¬ p is defined as p → False.

theorem And_swap (a b : Prop) :
    a ∧ b → b ∧ a := by
  intro hab
  apply And.intro
  apply And.right
  exact hab
  apply And.left
  exact hab

The above proof step by step:

The { … } combinator focuses on a specific subgoal. The tactic inside must fully prove it. In the proof below, { … } is used for each of the two subgoals to give more structure to the proof.

theorem And_swap_braces :
    ∀a b : Prop, a ∧ b → b ∧ a := by
  intro a b hab
  apply And.intro
  { exact And.right hab }
  { exact And.left hab }

Notice above how we pass the hypothesis hab directly to the theorems And.right and And.left, instead of waiting for the theorems' assumptions to appear as new subgoals. This is a small forward step in an otherwise backward proof.

opaque f : ℕ → ℕ

theorem f5_if (h : ∀n : ℕ, f n = n) :
  f 5 = 5 :=
  by exact h 5

theorem Or_swap (a b : Prop) :
    a ∨ b → b ∨ a := by
  intro hab
  apply Or.elim hab
  { intro ha
    exact Or.inr ha }
  { intro hb
    exact Or.inl hb }

theorem modus_ponens (a b : Prop) :
    (a → b) → a → b := by
  intro hab ha
  apply hab
  exact ha

theorem Not_Not_intro (a : Prop) :
    a → ¬¬ a := by
  intro ha hna
  apply hna
  exact ha

def double (n : ℕ) : ℕ :=
  n + n

theorem Exists_double_iden :
    ∃n : ℕ, double n = n := by
  apply Exists.intro 0

Reasoning about Equality

Syntactic equality: x = x [2, 1, 3] = [2, 1, 3]

Definitional equality (intensional, up to computation): 2 + 2 = 4 quicksort [2, 1, 3] = mergesort [2, 1, 3] all of the by refl examples below

Propositional equality (provable): x + y = y + x quicksort = mergesort

rfl proves l = r, where the two sides are syntactically equal up to computation. Computation means unfolding of definitions, β-reduction (application of fun to an argument), let, and more.

theorem α_example {α β : Type} (f : α → β) :
  (fun x ↦ f x) = (fun y ↦ f y) :=
  by rfl

theorem β_example {α β : Type} (f : α → β) (a : α) :
  (fun x ↦ f x) a = f a :=
  by rfl

theorem δ_example :
  double 5 = 5 + 5 :=
  by rfl

let introduces a definition that is locally scoped. Below, n := 2 is only in scope in the expression n + n.

theorem ζ_example :
  (let n : ℕ := 2
   n + n) = 4 :=
  by rfl

theorem η_example {α β : Type} (f : α → β) :
  (fun x ↦ f x) = f :=
  by rfl

inductive myProd (α β : Type) : Type
| mk : α → β → myProd α β

def myProd.first {α β : Type} : myProd α β → α
| a b => a

theorem ι_example {α β : Type} (a : α) (b : β) :
  myProd.first ( a b) = a :=
  by rfl

Which ones of these are reduction rules?

#check Eq.refl
#check Eq.symm
#check Eq.trans
#check Eq.subst

The above rules can be used directly:

theorem Eq_trans_symm {α : Type} (a b c : α)
  (hab : a = b) (hcb : c = b) :
    a = c := by
  apply Eq.trans
  { exact hab }
  { apply Eq.symm
    exact hcb }

rw applies a single equation as a left-to-right rewrite rule, once. To apply an equation right-to-left, prefix its name with .

theorem Eq_trans_symm_rw {α : Type} (a b c : α)
  (hab : a = b) (hcb : c = b) :
    a = c := by
  rw [hab]
  rw [hcb]

rw can expand a definition. Below, ¬¬ a becomes ¬ a → False, and ¬ a becomes a → False.

theorem a_proof_of_negation (a : Prop) :
    a → ¬¬ a := by
  rw [Not]
  rw [Not]
  intro ha
  intro hna
  apply hna
  exact ha

simp applies a standard set of rewrite rules (the simp set) exhaustively. The set can be extended using the @[simp] attribute. Theorems can be temporarily added to the simp set with the syntax simp [_theorem₁_, …, _theoremN_].

theorem cong_two_args_1p1 {α : Type} (a b c d : α)
    (g : α → α → ℕ → α) (hab : a = b) (hcd : c = d) :
  g a c (1 + 1) = g b d 2 :=
  by simp [hab, hcd]

ac_rfl is similar to rfl, but it can reason up to associativity and commutativity of +, *, and other binary operators.

theorem abc_Eq_cba (a b c : ℕ) :
  a + b + c = c + b + a :=
  by ac_rfl

Proofs by Mathematical Induction

induction performs induction on the specified variable. It gives rise to one named subgoal per constructor.

theorem add_zero (n : ℕ) :
  add 0 n = n :=
    induction n with
    | zero       => rfl
    | succ n' ih => simp [add, ih]

theorem add_succ (m n : ℕ) :
  add (Nat.succ m) n = Nat.succ (add m n) :=
    induction n with
    | zero       => rfl
    | succ n' ih => simp [add, ih]

theorem add_comm (m n : ℕ) :
  add m n = add n m :=
    induction n with
    | zero       => simp [add, add_zero]
    | succ n' ih => simp [add, add_succ, ih]

theorem add_assoc (l m n : ℕ) :
  add (add l m) n = add l (add m n) :=
    induction n with
    | zero       => rfl
    | succ n' ih => simp [add, ih]

ac_rfl is extensible. We can register add as a commutative and associative operator using the type class instance mechanism (explained in lecture 5). This is useful for the ac_rfl invocation below.

instance IsAssociative_add : IsAssociative ℕ add :=
  { assoc := add_assoc }

instance IsCommutative_add : IsCommutative ℕ add :=
  { comm := add_comm }

theorem mul_add (l m n : ℕ) :
    mul l (add m n) = add (mul l m) (mul l n) := by
  induction n with
  | zero       => rfl
  | succ n' ih =>
    simp [add, mul, ih]

Cleanup Tactics

clear removes unused variables or hypotheses.

rename changes the name of a variable or hypothesis.

theorem cleanup_example (a b c : Prop) (ha : a) (hb : b)
 (hab : a → b) (hbc : b → c) :
    c := by
  clear ha hab a
  apply hbc
  clear hbc c
  rename b => h
  exact h

end BackwardProofs

end LoVe