Copyright © 2018–2023 Anne Baanen, Alexander Bentkamp, Jasmin Blanchette,
Johannes Hölzl, and Jannis Limperg. See LICENSE.txt
import LoVe.Lectures.LoVe01_02_TypesAndTerms_Demo
LoVe Demo 4: Forward Proofs
When developing a proof, often it makes sense to work forward: to start with what we already know and proceed step by step towards our goal. Lean's structured proofs and raw proof terms are two styles that support forward reasoning.
namespace LoVe
namespace ForwardProofs
Structured Constructs
Structured proofs are syntactic sugar sprinkled on top of Lean's proof terms.
The simplest kind of structured proof is the name of a theorem, possibly with arguments.
theorem add_comm (m n : ℕ) :
add m n = add n m :=
theorem add_comm_zero_left (n : ℕ) :
add 0 n = add n 0 :=
add_comm 0 n
The equivalent backward proof:
theorem add_comm_zero_left_by_exact (n : ℕ) :
add 0 n = add n 0 :=
by exact add_comm 0 n
and assume
move ∀
-quantified variables and assumptions from the
goal into the local context. They can be seen as structured versions of the
repeats the goal to prove. It is useful as documentation or to rephrase
the goal (up to computation).
theorem fst_of_two_props :
∀a b : Prop, a → b → a :=
fix a b : Prop
assume ha : a
assume hb : b
show a from
theorem fst_of_two_props_show (a b : Prop) (ha : a) (hb : b) :
a :=
show a from
theorem fst_of_two_props_no_show (a b : Prop) (ha : a) (hb : b) :
a :=
proves an intermediate theorem, which can refer to the local
theorem prop_comp (a b c : Prop) (hab : a → b) (hbc : b → c) :
a → c :=
assume ha : a
have hb : b :=
hab ha
have hc : c :=
hbc hb
show c from
theorem prop_comp_inline (a b c : Prop) (hab : a → b)
(hbc : b → c) :
a → c :=
assume ha : a
show c from
hbc (hab ha)
Forward Reasoning about Connectives and Quantifiers
theorem And_swap (a b : Prop) :
a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
assume hab : a ∧ b
have ha : a :=
And.left hab
have hb : b :=
And.right hab
show b ∧ a from
And.intro hb ha
theorem or_swap (a b : Prop) :
a ∨ b → b ∨ a :=
assume hab : a ∨ b
show b ∨ a from
Or.elim hab
(assume ha : a
show b ∨ a from
Or.inr ha)
(assume hb : b
show b ∨ a from
Or.inl hb)
def double (n : ℕ) : ℕ :=
n + n
theorem nat_exists_double_iden :
∃n : ℕ, double n = n :=
Exists.intro 0
(show double 0 = 0 from
by rfl)
theorem nat_exists_double_iden_no_show :
∃n : ℕ, double n = n :=
Exists.intro 0 (by rfl)
theorem modus_ponens (a b : Prop) :
(a → b) → a → b :=
assume hab : a → b
assume ha : a
show b from
hab ha
theorem not_not_intro (a : Prop) :
a → ¬¬ a :=
assume ha : a
assume hna : ¬ a
show False from
hna ha
Just as you can apply forward reasoning inside a backward proof, you can
apply backward reasoning inside a forward proof (indicated with by
theorem Forall.one_point {α : Type} (t : α) (P : α → Prop) :
(∀x, x = t → P x) ↔ P t :=
(assume hall : ∀x, x = t → P x
show P t from
apply hall t
(assume hp : P t
fix x : α
assume heq : x = t
show P x from
rw [heq]
exact hp)
theorem beast_666 (beast : ℕ) :
(∀n, n = 666 → beast ≥ n) ↔ beast ≥ 666 :=
Forall.one_point _ _
#print beast_666
theorem Exists.one_point {α : Type} (t : α) (P : α → Prop) :
(∃x : α, x = t ∧ P x) ↔ P t :=
(assume hex : ∃x, x = t ∧ P x
show P t from
Exists.elim hex
(fix x : α
assume hand : x = t ∧ P x
have hxt : x = t :=
And.left hand
have hpx : P x :=
And.right hand
show P t from
rw [←hxt]
exact hpx))
(assume hp : P t
show ∃x : α, x = t ∧ P x from
Exists.intro t
(have tt : t = t :=
by rfl
show t = t ∧ P t from
And.intro tt hp))
Calculational Proofs
In informal mathematics, we often use transitive chains of equalities,
inequalities, or equivalences (e.g., a ≥ b ≥ c
). In Lean, such calculational
proofs are supported by calc
_term₀_ _op₁_ _term₁_ :=
_ _op₂_ _term₂_ :=
_ _opN_ _termN_ :=
theorem two_mul_example (m n : ℕ) :
2 * m + n = m + n + m :=
2 * m + n = m + m + n :=
by rw [Nat.two_mul]
_ = m + n + m :=
by ac_rfl
saves some repetition, some have
labels, and some transitive
theorem two_mul_example_have (m n : ℕ) :
2 * m + n = m + n + m :=
have hmul : 2 * m + n = m + m + n :=
by rw [Nat.two_mul]
have hcomm : m + m + n = m + n + m :=
by ac_rfl
show _ from
Eq.trans hmul hcomm
Forward Reasoning with Tactics
The have
, let
, and calc
structured proof commands are also available as a
tactic. Even in tactic mode, it can be useful to state intermediate results and
definitions in a forward fashion.
theorem prop_comp_tactical (a b c : Prop) (hab : a → b)
(hbc : b → c) :
a → c :=
intro ha
have hb : b :=
hab ha
let c' := c
have hc : c' :=
hbc hb
exact hc
Dependent Types
Dependent types are the defining feature of the dependent type theory family of logics.
Consider a function pick
that take a number n : ℕ
and that returns a number
between 0 and n
. Conceptually, pick
has a dependent type, namely
`(n : ℕ) → {i : ℕ // i ≤ n}`
We can think of this type as a ℕ
-indexed family, where each member's type may
depend on the index:
`pick n : {i : ℕ // i ≤ n}`
But a type may also depend on another type, e.g., List
(or fun α ↦ List α
and fun α ↦ α → α
A term may depend on a type, e.g., fun α ↦ fun (x : α) ↦ x
(a polymorphic
identity function).
Of course, a term may also depend on a term.
Unless otherwise specified, a dependent type means a type depending on a term. This is what we mean when we say that simple type theory does not support dependent types.
#check Fin 10
#check (2 : Fin 10)
#check (n : ℕ) → {i : ℕ // i ≤ n}
def depFun : (n : ℕ) → {i : ℕ // i ≤ n} :=
fun n => ⟨0, by linarith⟩
In summary, there are four cases for fun x ↦ t
in the calculus of inductive
constructions (cf. Barendregt's λ
Body (t ) |
Argument (x ) |
Description | |
A term | depending on | a term | anonymous function |
A type | depending on | a term | Dependent type (strictly speaking) |
A term | depending on | a type | Polymorphic term |
A type | depending on | a type | Type constructor |
Revised typing rules:
C ⊢ t : (x : σ) → τ[x] C ⊢ u : σ
———————————————————————————————————— App'
C ⊢ t u : τ[u]
C, x : σ ⊢ t : τ[x]
———————————————————————————————————— Fun'
C ⊢ (fun x : σ ↦ t) : (x : σ) → τ[x]
These two rules degenerate to App
and Fun
if x
does not occur in τ[x]
Example of App'
⊢ pick : (n : ℕ) → {i : ℕ // i ≤ n} ⊢ 5 : ℕ
——————————————————————————————————————————————— App'
⊢ pick 5 : {i : ℕ // i ≤ 5}
Example of Fun'
α : Type, x : α ⊢ x : α
—————————————————————————————————— Fun or Fun'
α : Type ⊢ (fun x : α ↦ x) : α → α
————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Fun'
⊢ (fun α : Type ↦ fun x : α ↦ x) : (α : Type) → α → α
Remarkably, universal quantification is simply an alias for a dependent type:
`∀x : σ, τ` := `(x : σ) → τ`
This will become clearer below.
The PAT Principle
is used both as the implication symbol and as the type constructor of
functions. The two pairs of concepts not only look the same, they are the same,
by the PAT principle:
- PAT = propositions as types;
- PAT = proofs as terms.
σ → τ
is the type of total functions fromσ
.(x : σ) → τ[x]
is the dependent function type fromx : σ
P → Q
can be read as "P
", or as the type of functions mapping proofs ofP
to proofs ofQ
.∀x : σ, Q[x]
can be read as "for allx
", or as the type of functions of type(x : σ) → Q[x]
, mapping valuesx
of typeσ
to proofs ofQ[x]
- A constant is a term.
- A variable is a term.
t u
is the application of functiont
to valueu
.fun x ↦ t[x]
is a function mappingx
- A theorem or hypothesis name is a proof.
H t
, which instantiates the leading parameter or quantifier of proofH
' statement with termt
, is a proof.H G
, which discharges the leading assumption ofH
's statement with proofG
, is a h : P ↦ H[h]
is a proof ofP → Q
, assumingH[h]
is a proof ofQ
forh : P
.fun x : σ ↦ H[x]
is a proof of∀x : σ, Q[x]
, assumingH[x]
is a proof ofQ[x]
forx : σ
theorem And_swap_raw (a b : Prop) :
a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
fun hab : a ∧ b ↦ And.intro (And.right hab) (And.left hab)
theorem And_swap_tactical (a b : Prop) :
a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
intro hab
apply And.intro
apply And.right
exact hab
apply And.left
exact hab
Tactical proofs are reduced to proof terms.
#print And_swap
#print And_swap_raw
#print And_swap_tactical
In "normal" programming languages, there's a strict distinction between terms and types.
In dependent type theory, everything is a term, including types. Every term has a type, which is itself a term, which has a type, ...
There's a hierarchy of type universes:
#check Type
#check Type 1
#check Type 2
#check Prop
is, in fact, the foundation of this type tower.
Sometimes, instead of Prop
, Type
, Type 1
, ...
we'll talk about Sort 0
, Sort 1
, Sort 2
, ...
example : Prop = Sort 0 :=
by rfl
We defined new types with the keyword inductive
listing all the ways we could construct values of that type.
How do we define new Prop
#check Or
end ForwardProofs
Induction by Pattern Matching and Recursion
By the PAT principle, a proof by induction is the same as a recursively
specified proof term. Thus, as alternative to the induction
tactic, induction
can also be done by pattern matching and recursion:
the induction hypothesis is then available under the name of the theorem we are proving;
well-foundedness of the argument is often proved automatically.
#check reverse
theorem reverse_append {α : Type} :
∀xs ys : List α,
reverse (xs ++ ys) = reverse ys ++ reverse xs
| [], ys => by simp [reverse]
| x :: xs, ys => by simp [reverse, reverse_append xs]
theorem reverse_append_tactical {α : Type} (xs ys : List α) :
reverse (xs ++ ys) = reverse ys ++ reverse xs :=
induction xs with
| nil => simp [reverse]
| cons x xs' ih => simp [reverse, ih]
theorem reverse_reverse {α : Type} :
∀xs : List α, reverse (reverse xs) = xs
| [] => by rfl
| x :: xs =>
by simp [reverse, reverse_append, reverse_reverse xs]
end LoVe