Copyright © 2018–2023 Anne Baanen, Alexander Bentkamp, Jasmin Blanchette, Johannes Hölzl, and Jannis Limperg. See LICENSE.txt.

import LoVe.LoVelib
import LoVe.Lectures.LoVe01_02_TypesAndTerms_Demo

LoVe Demo 5: Functional Programming

We take a closer look at the basics of typed functional programming: inductive types, proofs by induction, recursive functions, pattern matching, structures (records), and type classes.

namespace LoVe

Inductive Types

Recall the definition of type Nat:

#print Nat


For Nat:

In addition, inductive types are always finite. Nat.succ (Nat.succ …) is not a value.

(To read more on noConfusion:

Nat.rec and Nat.noConfusion are axioms generated when the inductive type is declared.

#check Nat.rec

#check Nat.noConfusion

Nat.noConfusionType False x y : Prop is the proposition True if x = y, and False otherwise.

#check Nat.noConfusionType
#print Nat.noConfusionType

set_option pp.explicit true

#print Nat.succ_ne_zero

set_option pp.explicit false

Structural Induction

Structural induction is a generalization of mathematical induction to inductive types. To prove a property P[n] for all natural numbers n, it suffices to prove the base case


and the induction step

`∀k, P[k] → P[k + 1]`

For lists, the base case is


and the induction step is

`∀y ys, P[ys] → P[y :: ys]`

In general, there is one subgoal per constructor, and induction hypotheses are available for all constructor arguments of the type we are doing the induction on.

theorem Nat.succ_neq_self (n : ℕ) :
  Nat.succ n ≠ n :=
  induction n with
  | zero       => simp
  | succ n' ih => simp [ih]

Induction by Pattern Matching and Recursion

By the PAT principle, a proof by induction is the same as a recursively specified proof term. Thus, as alternative to the induction tactic, induction can also be done by pattern matching and recursion:

#check reverse

theorem reverse_append {α : Type} :
  ∀xs ys : List α,
    reverse (xs ++ ys) = reverse ys ++ reverse xs
  | [],      ys => by simp [reverse]
  | x :: xs, ys => by simp [reverse, reverse_append xs]

theorem reverse_append_tactical {α : Type} (xs ys : List α) :
  reverse (xs ++ ys) = reverse ys ++ reverse xs :=
    induction xs with
    | nil           => simp [reverse]
    | cons x xs' ih => simp [reverse, ih]

theorem reverse_reverse {α : Type} :
  ∀xs : List α, reverse (reverse xs) = xs
  | []      => by rfl
  | x :: xs =>
    by simp [reverse, reverse_append, reverse_reverse xs]

Structural Recursion

Structural recursion is a form of recursion that allows us to peel off one or more constructors from the value on which we recurse. Such functions are guaranteed to call themselves only finitely many times before the recursion stops. This is a prerequisite for establishing that the function terminates.

def fact : ℕ → ℕ
  | 0     => 1
  | n + 1 => (n + 1) * fact n

def factThreeCases : ℕ → ℕ
  | 0     => 1
  | 1     => 1
  | n + 1 => (n + 1) * factThreeCases n

For structurally recursive functions, Lean can automatically prove termination. For more general recursive schemes, the termination check may fail. Sometimes it does so for a good reason, as in the following example:


def illegal : ℕ → ℕ | n => illegal n + 1

opaque immoral : ℕ → ℕ

axiom immoral_eq (n : ℕ) :
  immoral n = immoral n + 1

theorem proof_of_False :
  False :=
  have hi : immoral 0 = immoral 0 + 1 :=
    immoral_eq 0
  have him :
    immoral 0 - immoral 0 = immoral 0 + 1 - immoral 0 :=
    by rw [←hi]
  have h0eq1 : 0 = 1 :=
    by simp at him
  show False from
    by simp at h0eq1

Pattern Matching Expressions

`match` _term₁_, …, _termM_ `with`
| _pattern₁₁_, …, _pattern₁M_ => _result₁_
| _patternN₁_, …, _patternNM_ => _resultN_

match allows pattern matching within terms.

def bcount {α : Type} (p : α → Bool) : List α → ℕ
  | []      => 0
  | x :: xs =>
    match p x with
    | true  => bcount p xs + 1
    | false => bcount p xs

We can also write traditional if expressions.

def min (a b : ℕ) : ℕ :=
  if a ≤ b then a else b

Side note: what's the difference between bool and Prop?


-- ignore this line
attribute [-instance] boolToProp boolToSort

#check true -- Bool
#check True -- Prop
#check Bool -- Type

-- fails: you can't "prove a term"!

-- example : true := sorry

def turing_machine_trace : Type := ℕ → ℕ

def halts (t : turing_machine_trace) : Prop :=
∃ k : ℕ, ∀ n : ℕ, n ≥ k → t k = 0

-- def halting_oracle (t : turing_machine_trace) : ℕ :=
-- if halts t then 1 else 0



Lean provides a convenient syntax for defining records, or structures. These are essentially nonrecursive, single-constructor inductive types.

structure RGB where
  red   : ℕ
  green : ℕ
  blue  : ℕ


namespace RGB_as_inductive

The RGB structure defintion is equivalent to the following set of definitions:

inductive RGB : Type where
  | mk : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ → RGB

def : RGB → ℕ
  | r _ _ => r

def : RGB → ℕ
  | _ g _ => g

def : RGB → ℕ
  | _ _ b => b

end RGB_as_inductive

A new structure can be created by extending an existing structure:

structure RGBA extends RGB where
  alpha : ℕ

An RGBA is a RGB with the extra field alpha : ℕ.

#print RGBA

def pureRed : RGB := 0xff 0x00 0x00

def pureGreen : RGB :=
  { red   := 0x00
    green := 0xff
    blue  := 0x00 }

def semitransparentGreen : RGBA :=
  { pureGreen with
    alpha := 0x7f }

#print pureRed
#print pureGreen
#print semitransparentGreen

def shuffle (c : RGB) : RGB :=
  { red   := c
    green := c
    blue  := c }

Alternative definition using pattern matching:

def shufflePattern : RGB → RGB
  | r g b => g b r

theorem shuffle_shuffle_shuffle (c : RGB) :
  shuffle (shuffle (shuffle c)) = c :=
  by rfl

Type Classes

A type class is a structure type combining abstract constants and their properties. A type can be declared an instance of a type class by providing concrete definitions for the constants and proving that the properties hold. Based on the type, Lean retrieves the relevant instance.

#print Inhabited

instance Nat.Inhabited : Inhabited ℕ :=
  { default := 0 }

instance List.Inhabited {α : Type} : Inhabited (List α) :=
  { default := [] }

#eval (Inhabited.default : ℕ)
#eval (Inhabited.default : List Int)

def head {α : Type} [Inhabited α] : List α → α
  | []     => Inhabited.default
  | x :: _ => x

theorem head_head {α : Type} [Inhabited α] (xs : List α) :
  head [head xs] = head xs
  by rfl

#eval head ([] : List ℕ)

#check List.head

instance Fun.Inhabited {α β : Type} [Inhabited β] :
  Inhabited (α → β) :=
  { default := fun a : α ↦ Inhabited.default }

instance Prod.Inhabited {α β : Type}
    [Inhabited α] [Inhabited β] :
  Inhabited (α × β) :=
  { default := (Inhabited.default, Inhabited.default) }

We encountered these type classes in lecture 3:

#print IsCommutative
#print IsAssociative


List is an inductive polymorphic type constructed from List.nil and List.cons:

#print List

cases performs a case distinction on the specified term. This gives rise to as many subgoals as there are constructors in the definition of the term's type. The tactic behaves the same as induction except that it does not produce induction hypotheses. Here is a contrived example:

theorem head_head_cases {α : Type} [Inhabited α]
    (xs : List α) :
  head [head xs] = head xs :=
    cases xs with
    | nil        => rfl
    | cons x xs' => rfl

match is the structured equivalent:

theorem head_head_match {α : Type} [Inhabited α]
    (xs : List α) :
  head [head xs] = head xs :=
  match xs with
  | List.nil        => by rfl
  | List.cons x xs' => by rfl

cases can also be used on a hypothesis of the form l = r. It matches r against l and replaces all occurrences of the variables occurring in r with the corresponding terms in l everywhere in the goal.

theorem injection_example {α : Type} (x y : α) (xs ys : List α)
    (h : x :: xs = y :: ys) :
  x = y ∧ xs = ys :=
    cases h

If r fails to match l, no subgoals emerge; the proof is complete.

theorem distinctness_example {α : Type} (y : α) (ys : List α)
    (h : [] = y :: ys) :
  false :=
  by cases h

def map {α β : Type} (f : α → β) : List α → List β
  | []      => []
  | x :: xs => f x :: map f xs

def mapArgs {α β : Type} : (α → β) → List α → List β
  | _, []      => []
  | f, x :: xs => f x :: mapArgs f xs


theorem map_ident {α : Type} (xs : List α) :
  map (fun x ↦ x) xs = xs :=
    induction xs with
    | nil           => rfl
    | cons x xs' ih => simp [map, ih]

theorem map_comp {α β γ : Type} (f : α → β) (g : β → γ)
    (xs : List α) :
  map g (map f xs) = map (fun x ↦ g (f x)) xs :=
    induction xs with
    | nil           => rfl
    | cons x xs' ih => simp [map, ih]

theorem map_append {α β : Type} (f : α → β)
    (xs ys : List α) :
  map f (xs ++ ys) = map f xs ++ map f ys :=
    induction xs with
    | nil           => rfl
    | cons x xs' ih => simp [map, ih]

def tail {α : Type} : List α → List α
  | []      => []
  | _ :: xs => xs

def headOpt {α : Type} : List α → Option α
  | []     => Option.none
  | x :: _ => Option.some x

def headPre {α : Type} : (xs : List α) → xs ≠ [] → α
  | [],     hxs => by simp at *
  | x :: _, hxs => x

#eval headOpt [3, 1, 4]
#eval headPre [3, 1, 4] (by simp)

def zip {α β : Type} : List α → List β → List (α × β)
  | x :: xs, y :: ys => (x, y) :: zip xs ys
  | [],      _       => []
  | _ :: _,  []      => []


def length {α : Type} : List α → ℕ
  | []      => 0
  | x :: xs => length xs + 1

#check List.length

cases can also be used to perform a case distinction on a proposition, in conjunction with Classical.em. Two cases emerge: one in which the proposition is true and one in which it is false.

#check Classical.em

theorem min_add_add (l m n : ℕ) :
  min (m + l) (n + l) = min m n + l :=
    cases Classical.em (m ≤ n) with
    | inl h => simp [min, h]
    | inr h => simp [min, h]

theorem min_add_add_match (l m n : ℕ) :
  min (m + l) (n + l) = min m n + l :=
  match Classical.em (m ≤ n) with
  | Or.inl h => by simp [min, h]
  | Or.inr h => by simp [min, h]

theorem min_add_add_if (l m n : ℕ) :
  min (m + l) (n + l) = min m n + l :=
  if h : m ≤ n then
    by simp [min, h]
    by simp [min, h]

theorem length_zip {α β : Type} (xs : List α) (ys : List β) :
  length (zip xs ys) = min (length xs) (length ys) :=
    induction xs generalizing ys with
    | nil           => simp [min, length]
    | cons x xs' ih =>
      cases ys with
      | nil        => rfl
      | cons y ys' => simp [zip, length, ih ys', min_add_add]

theorem map_zip {α α' β β' : Type} (f : α → α')
  (g : β → β') :
  ∀xs ys,
    map (fun ab : α × β ↦ (f (Prod.fst ab), g (Prod.snd ab)))
      (zip xs ys) =
    zip (map f xs) (map g ys)
  | x :: xs, y :: ys => by simp [zip, map, map_zip f g xs ys]
  | [],      _       => by rfl
  | _ :: _,  []      => by rfl

Binary Trees

Inductive types with constructors taking several recursive arguments define tree-like objects. Binary trees have nodes with at most two children.

inductive BTree (α : Type) : Type where
  | empty : BTree α
  | node  : α → BTree α → BTree α → BTree α

The type AExp of arithmetic expressions was also an example of a tree data structure.

The nodes of a tree, whether inner nodes or leaf nodes, often carry labels or other annotations.

Inductive trees contain no infinite branches, not even cycles. This is less expressive than pointer- or reference-based data structures (in imperative languages) but easier to reason about.

Recursive definitions (and proofs by induction) work roughly as for lists, but we may need to recurse (or invoke the induction hypothesis) on several child nodes.

def mirror {α : Type} : BTree α → BTree α
  | BTree.empty      => BTree.empty
  | BTree.node a l r => BTree.node a (mirror r) (mirror l)

theorem mirror_mirror {α : Type} (t : BTree α) :
  mirror (mirror t) = t :=
    induction t with
    | empty                => rfl
    | node a l r ih_l ih_r => simp [mirror, ih_l, ih_r]

theorem mirror_mirror_calc {α : Type} :
  ∀t : BTree α, mirror (mirror t) = t
  | BTree.empty      => by rfl
  | BTree.node a l r =>
      mirror (mirror (BTree.node a l r))
      = mirror (BTree.node a (mirror r) (mirror l)) :=
        by rfl
      _ = BTree.node a (mirror (mirror l))
        (mirror (mirror r)) :=
        by rfl
      _ = BTree.node a l (mirror (mirror r)) :=
        by rw [mirror_mirror_calc l]
      _ = BTree.node a l r :=
        by rw [mirror_mirror_calc r]

theorem mirror_Eq_empty_Iff {α : Type} :
  ∀t : BTree α, mirror t = BTree.empty ↔ t = BTree.empty
  | BTree.empty      => by simp [mirror]
  | BTree.node _ _ _ => by simp [mirror]

Dependent Inductive Types (optional)

inductive Vec (α : Type) : ℕ → Type where
  | nil                                : Vec α 0
  | cons (a : α) {n : ℕ} (v : Vec α n) : Vec α (n + 1)

#check Vec.nil
#check Vec.cons

def listOfVec {α : Type} : ∀{n : ℕ}, Vec α n → List α
  | _, Vec.nil      => []
  | _, Vec.cons a v => a :: listOfVec v

def vecOfList {α : Type} :
  ∀xs : List α, Vec α (List.length xs)
  | []      => Vec.nil
  | x :: xs => Vec.cons x (vecOfList xs)

theorem length_listOfVec {α : Type} :
  ∀(n : ℕ) (v : Vec α n), List.length (listOfVec v) = n
  | _, Vec.nil      => by rfl
  | _, Vec.cons a v =>
    by simp [listOfVec, length_listOfVec _ v]

end LoVe