Copyright © 2018–2023 Anne Baanen, Alexander Bentkamp, Jasmin Blanchette, Johannes Hölzl, and Jannis Limperg. See LICENSE.txt.

import LoVe.LoVelib

LoVe Demo 7: Effectful Programming

Monads are an important functional programming abstraction. They generalize computation with side effects, offering effectful programming in a pure functional programming language. Haskell has shown that they can be used very successfully to write imperative programs. For us, they are interesting in their own right and for two more reasons:

namespace LoVe

Introductory Example

Consider the following programming task:

Implement a function `sum257 ns` that sums up the second, fifth, and
seventh items of a list `ns` of natural numbers. Use `Option ℕ` for the
result so that if the list has fewer than seven elements, you can return

A straightforward solution follows:

def nth {α : Type} : List α → Nat → Option α
  | [],      _     => Option.none
  | x :: _,  0     => Option.some x
  | _ :: xs, n + 1 => nth xs n

def sum257 (ns : List ℕ) : Option ℕ :=
  match nth ns 1 with
  | Option.none    => Option.none
  | Option.some n₂ =>
    match nth ns 4 with
    | Option.none    => Option.none
    | Option.some n₅ =>
      match nth ns 6 with
      | Option.none    => Option.none
      | Option.some n₇ => Option.some (n₂ + n₅ + n₇)

The code is ugly, because of all the pattern matching on options.

We can put all the ugliness in one function, which we call connect:

def connect {α : Type} {β : Type} :
  Option α → (α → Option β) → Option β
  | Option.none,   _ => Option.none
  | Option.some a, f => f a

def sum257Connect (ns : List ℕ) : Option ℕ :=
  connect (nth ns 1)
    (fun n₂ ↦ connect (nth ns 4)
       (fun n₅ ↦ connect (nth ns 6)
          (fun n₇ ↦ Option.some (n₂ + n₅ + n₇))))

Instead of defining connect ourselves, we can use Lean's predefined general bind operation. We can also use pure instead of Option.some:

#check bind

def sum257Bind (ns : List ℕ) : Option ℕ :=
  bind (nth ns 1)
    (fun n₂ ↦ bind (nth ns 4)
       (fun n₅ ↦ bind (nth ns 6)
          (fun n₇ ↦ pure (n₂ + n₅ + n₇))))

By using bind and pure, sum257Bind makes no reference to the constructors Option.none and Option.some.

Syntactic sugar:

`ma >>= f` := `bind ma f`
def sum257Op (ns : List ℕ) : Option ℕ :=
  nth ns 1 >>=
    fun n₂ ↦ nth ns 4 >>=
      fun n₅ ↦ nth ns 6 >>=
        fun n₇ ↦ pure (n₂ + n₅ + n₇)

Syntactic sugar:

  let a ← ma
ma >>= (fun a ↦ t)

ma >>= (fun _ ↦ t)
def sum257Dos (ns : List ℕ) : Option ℕ :=
    let n₂ ← nth ns 1
      let n₅ ← nth ns 4
        let n₇ ← nth ns 6
        pure (n₂ + n₅ + n₇)

The dos can be combined:

def sum257Do (ns : List ℕ) : Option ℕ :=
    let n₂ ← nth ns 1
    let n₅ ← nth ns 4
    let n₇ ← nth ns 6
    pure (n₂ + n₅ + n₇)

Although the notation has an imperative flavor, the function is a pure functional program.

Two Operations and Three Laws

The Option type constructor is an example of a monad.

In general, a monad is a type constructor m that depends on some type parameter α (i.e., m α) equipped with two distinguished operations:

`pure {α : Type} : α → m α`
`bind {α β : Type} : m α → (α → m β) → m β`

For Option:

`pure` := `Option.some`
`bind` := `connect`

Intuitively, we can think of a monad as a "box":

There is no general way to extract the data from the monad, i.e., to obtain an α from an m α.

To summarize, pure a provides no side effect and simply provides a box containing the the value a, whereas bind ma f (also written ma >>= f) executes ma, then executes f with the boxed result a of ma.

The option monad is only one instance among many.

Type Effect
id no effects
Option simple exceptions
fun α ↦ σ → α × σ threading through a state of type σ
fun α ↦ Set α nondeterministic computation returning α values
fun α ↦ t → α reading elements of type t (e.g., a configuration)
fun α ↦ ℕ × α adjoining running time (e.g., to model time complexity)
fun α ↦ String × α adjoining text output (e.g., for logging)
IO interaction with the operating system
TacticM interaction with the proof assistant

All of the above are unary type constructors m : Type → Type.

Some effects can be combined (e.g., Option (t → α)).

Some effects are not executable (e.g., Set α). They are nonetheless useful for modeling programs abstractly in the logic.

Specific monads may provide a way to extract the boxed value stored in the monad without bind's requirement of putting it back in a monad.

Monads have several benefits, including:

The bind and pure operations are normally required to obey three laws. Pure data as the first program can be simplified away:

  let a' ← pure a,
  f a'

= f a

Pure data as the second program can be simplified away:

  let a ← ma
  pure a

= ma

Nested programs ma, f, g can be flattened using this associativity rule:

  let b ←
      let a ← ma
      f a
  g b

= do let a ← ma let b ← f a g b

A Type Class of Monads

Monads are a mathematical structure, so we use class to add them as a type class. We can think of a type class as a structure that is parameterized by a type, or here, by a type constructor m : Type → Type.

class LawfulMonad (m : Type → Type)
  extends Pure m, Bind m where
  pure_bind {α β : Type} (a : α) (f : α → m β) :
    (pure a >>= f) = f a
  bind_pure {α : Type} (ma : m α) :
    (ma >>= pure) = ma
  bind_assoc {α β γ : Type} (f : α → m β) (g : β → m γ)
      (ma : m α) :
    ((ma >>= f) >>= g) = (ma >>= (fun a ↦ f a >>= g))

Step by step:

To instantiate this definition with a concrete monad, we must supply the type constructor m (e.g., Option), bind and pure operators, and proofs of the laws.

No Effects

Our first monad is the trivial monad m := id (i.e., m := (fun α ↦ α)).

def id.pure {α : Type} : α → id α
  | a => a

def id.bind {α β : Type} : id α → (α → id β) → id β
  | a, f => f a

instance id.LawfulMonad : LawfulMonad id :=
  { pure       := id.pure
    bind       := id.bind
    pure_bind  :=
        intro α β a f
    bind_pure  :=
        intro α ma
    bind_assoc :=
        intro α β γ f g ma
        rfl }

Basic Exceptions

As we saw above, the option type provides a basic exception mechanism.

def Option.pure {α : Type} : α → Option α :=

def Option.bind {α β : Type} :
  Option α → (α → Option β) → Option β
  | Option.none,   _ => Option.none
  | Option.some a, f => f a

instance Option.LawfulMonad : LawfulMonad Option :=
  { pure       := Option.pure
    bind       := Option.bind
    pure_bind  :=
        intro α β a f
    bind_pure  :=
        intro α ma
        cases ma with
        | none   => rfl
        | some _ => rfl
    bind_assoc :=
        intro α β γ f g ma
        cases ma with
        | none   => rfl
        | some _ => rfl }

def Option.throw {α : Type} : Option α :=

def Option.catch {α : Type} : Option α → Option α → Option α
  | Option.none,   ma' => ma'
  | Option.some a, _   => Option.some a

Mutable State

The state monad provides an abstraction corresponding to a mutable state. Some compilers recognize the state monad to produce efficient imperative code.

def Action (σ α : Type) : Type :=
  σ → α × σ

def {σ : Type} : Action σ σ
  | s => (s, s)

def Action.write {σ : Type} (s : σ) : Action σ Unit
  | _ => ((), s)

def Action.pure {σ α : Type} (a : α) : Action σ α
  | s => (a, s)

def Action.bind {σ : Type} {α β : Type} (ma : Action σ α)
    (f : α → Action σ β) :
  Action σ β
  | s =>
    match ma s with
    | (a, s') => f a s'

Action.pure is like a return statement; it does not change the state.

Action.bind is like the sequential composition of two statements with respect to a state.

instance Action.LawfulMonad {σ : Type} :
  LawfulMonad (Action σ) :=
  { pure       := Action.pure
    bind       := Action.bind
    pure_bind  :=
        intro α β a f
        simp [Pure.pure, Bind.bind, Action.pure, Action.bind]
    bind_pure  :=
        intro α ma
        simp [Pure.pure, Bind.bind, Action.pure, Action.bind]
    bind_assoc :=
        intro α β γ f g ma
        simp [Pure.pure, Bind.bind, Action.pure, Action.bind]
        rfl }

def increasingly : List ℕ → Action ℕ (List ℕ)
  | []        => pure []
  | (n :: ns) =>
      let prev ←
      if n < prev then
        increasingly ns
          Action.write n
          let ns' ← increasingly ns
          pure (n :: ns')

#eval increasingly [1, 2, 3, 2] 0
#eval increasingly [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 2] 0


The set monad stores an arbitrary, possibly infinite number of α values.

#check Set

def Set.pure {α : Type} : α → Set α
  | a => {a}

def Set.bind {α β : Type} : Set α → (α → Set β) → Set β
  | A, f => {b | ∃a, a ∈ A ∧ b ∈ f a}

Set.bind is like a map function over sets in which each element of the source set maps to a set of elements (all of which are combined).

instance Set.LawfulMonad : LawfulMonad Set :=
  { pure       := Set.pure
    bind       := Set.bind
    pure_bind  :=
        intro α β a f
        simp [Pure.pure, Bind.bind, Set.pure, Set.bind]
    bind_pure  :=
        intro α ma
        simp [Pure.pure, Bind.bind, Set.pure, Set.bind]
    bind_assoc :=
        intro α β γ f g ma
        simp [Pure.pure, Bind.bind, Set.pure, Set.bind]
        apply Set.ext
        aesop }

aesop is a general-purpose proof search tactic. Among others, it performs elimination of the logical symbols , , , and in hypotheses and introduction of , , and in the target, and it regularly invokes the simplifier. It can succeed at proving a goal, fail, or succeed partially, leaving some unfinished subgoals to the user.

A Generic Algorithm: Iteration over a List

We consider a generic effectful program mmap that iterates over a list and applies a function f to each element.

def nthsFine {α : Type} (xss : List (List α)) (n : ℕ) :
  List (Option α) := (fun xs ↦ nth xs n) xss

#eval nthsFine [[11, 12, 13, 14], [21, 22, 23]] 2
#eval nthsFine [[11, 12, 13, 14], [21, 22, 23]] 3

def mmap {m : Type → Type} [LawfulMonad m] {α β : Type}
    (f : α → m β) :
  List α → m (List β)
  | []      => pure []
  | a :: as =>
      let b ← f a
      let bs ← mmap f as
      pure (b :: bs)

def nthsCoarse {α : Type} (xss : List (List α)) (n : ℕ) :
  Option (List α) :=
  mmap (fun xs ↦ nth xs n) xss

#eval nthsCoarse [[11, 12, 13, 14], [21, 22, 23]] 2
#eval nthsCoarse [[11, 12, 13, 14], [21, 22, 23]] 3

theorem mmap_append {m : Type → Type} [LawfulMonad m]
    {α β : Type} (f : α → m β) :
  ∀as as' : List α, mmap f (as ++ as') =
      let bs ← mmap f as
      let bs' ← mmap f as'
      pure (bs ++ bs')
  | [],      _   =>
    by simp [mmap, LawfulMonad.bind_pure, LawfulMonad.pure_bind]
  | a :: as, as' =>
    by simp [mmap, mmap_append _ as as', LawfulMonad.pure_bind,

end LoVe