Copyright © 2018–2023 Anne Baanen, Alexander Bentkamp, Jasmin Blanchette,
Johannes Hölzl, and Jannis Limperg. See LICENSE.txt
import LoVe.LoVelib
LoVe Demo 9: Operational Semantics
In this and the next chapter, we will see how to use Lean to specify the syntax and semantics of programming languages and to reason about the semantics.
namespace LoVe
Formal Semantics
A formal semantics helps specify and reason about the programming language itself, and about individual programs.
It can form the basis of verified compilers, interpreters, verifiers, static analyzers, type checkers, etc. Without formal proofs, these tools are almost always wrong.
In this area, proof assistants are widely used. Every year, about 10-20% of POPL papers are partially or totally formalized. Reasons for this success:
Little machinery (background libraries, tactics) is needed to get started, beyond inductive types and predicates and recursive functions.
The proofs tend to have lots of cases, which is a good match for computers.
Proof assistants keep track of what needs to be changed when we extend the programming language with more features.
Case in point: WebAssembly. To quote Conrad Watt (with some abbreviations):
We have produced a full Isabelle mechanisation of the core execution
semantics and type system of the WebAssembly language. To complete this
proof, **several deficiencies** in the official WebAssembly specification,
uncovered by our proof and modelling work, needed to be corrected. In some
cases, these meant that the type system was **originally unsound**.
We have maintained a constructive dialogue with the working group,
verifying new features as they are added. In particular, the mechanism by
which a WebAssembly implementation interfaces with its host environment was
not formally specified in the working group's original paper. Extending our
mechanisation to model this feature revealed a deficiency in the WebAssembly
specification that **sabotaged the soundness** of the type system.
A Minimalistic Imperative Language
A state s
is a function from variable names to values (String → ℕ
WHILE is a minimalistic imperative language with the following grammar:
S ::= skip -- no-op
| x := a -- assignment
| S; S -- sequential composition
| if B then S else S -- conditional statement
| while B do S -- while loop
where S
stands for a statement (also called command or program), x
for a
variable, a
for an arithmetic expression, and B
for a Boolean expression.
#print State
inductive Stmt : Type where
| skip : Stmt
| assign : String → (State → ℕ) → Stmt
| seq : Stmt → Stmt → Stmt
| ifThenElse : (State → Prop) → Stmt → Stmt → Stmt
| whileDo : (State → Prop) → Stmt → Stmt
infixr:90 "; " => Stmt.seq
In our grammar, we deliberately leave the syntax of arithmetic and Boolean expressions unspecified. In Lean, we have the choice:
We could use a type such as
from lecture 2 and similarly for Boolean expressions. -
We could decide that an arithmetic expression is simply a function from states to natural numbers (
State → ℕ
) and a Boolean expression is a predicate (State → Prop
orState → Bool
This corresponds to the difference between deep and shallow embeddings:
A deep embedding of some syntax (expression, formula, program, etc.) consists of an abstract syntax tree specified in the proof assistant (e.g.,
) with a semantics (e.g.,eval
). -
In contrast, a shallow embedding simply reuses the corresponding mechanisms from the logic (e.g., terms, functions, predicate types).
A deep embedding allows us to reason about the syntax (and its semantics). A shallow embedding is more lightweight, because we can use it directly, without having to define a semantics.
We will use a deep embedding of programs (which we find interesting), and shallow embeddings of assignments and Boolean expressions (which we find boring).
The program
while x > y do skip; x := x - 1
is modeled as
def sillyLoop : Stmt :=
Stmt.whileDo (fun s ↦ s "x" > s "y")
Stmt.assign "x" (fun s ↦ s "x" - 1))
Big-Step Semantics
An operational semantics corresponds to an idealized interpreter (specified in a Prolog-like language). Two main variants:
big-step semantics;
small-step semantics.
In a big-step semantics (also called natural semantics), judgments have
the form (S, s) ⟹ t
Starting in a state `s`, executing `S` terminates in the state `t`.
`(x := x + y; y := 0, [x ↦ 3, y ↦ 5]) ⟹ [x ↦ 8, y ↦ 0]`
Derivation rules:
——————————————— Skip
(skip, s) ⟹ s
——————————————————————————— Assign
(x := a, s) ⟹ s[x ↦ s(a)]
(S, s) ⟹ t (T, t) ⟹ u
——————————————————————————— Seq
(S; T, s) ⟹ u
(S, s) ⟹ t
————————————————————————————— If-True if s(B) is true
(if B then S else T, s) ⟹ t
(T, s) ⟹ t
————————————————————————————— If-False if s(B) is false
(if B then S else T, s) ⟹ t
(S, s) ⟹ t (while B do S, t) ⟹ u
—————————————————————————————————————— While-True if s(B) is true
(while B do S, s) ⟹ u
————————————————————————— While-False if s(B) is false
(while B do S, s) ⟹ s
Above, s(e)
denotes the value of expression e
in state s
and s[x ↦ s(e)]
denotes the state that is identical to s
except that the variable x
is bound
to the value s(e)
In Lean, the judgment corresponds to an inductive predicate, and the derivation
rules correspond to the predicate's introduction rules. Using an inductive
predicate as opposed to a recursive function allows us to cope with
nontermination (e.g., a diverging while
) and nondeterminism (e.g.,
inductive BigStep : Stmt × State → State → Prop where
| skip (s) :
BigStep (Stmt.skip, s) s
| assign (x a s) :
BigStep (Stmt.assign x a, s) (s[x ↦ a s])
| seq (S T s t u) (hS : BigStep (S, s) t)
(hT : BigStep (T, t) u) :
BigStep (S; T, s) u
| if_true (B S T s t) (hcond : B s)
(hbody : BigStep (S, s) t) :
BigStep (Stmt.ifThenElse B S T, s) t
| if_false (B S T s t) (hcond : ¬ B s)
(hbody : BigStep (T, s) t) :
BigStep (Stmt.ifThenElse B S T, s) t
| while_true (B S s t u) (hcond : B s)
(hbody : BigStep (S, s) t)
(hrest : BigStep (Stmt.whileDo B S, t) u) :
BigStep (Stmt.whileDo B S, s) u
| while_false (B S s) (hcond : ¬ B s) :
BigStep (Stmt.whileDo B S, s) s
infix:110 " ⟹ " => BigStep
theorem sillyLoop_from_1_BigStep :
(sillyLoop, (fun _ ↦ 0)["x" ↦ 1]) ⟹ (fun _ ↦ 0) :=
rw [sillyLoop]
apply BigStep.while_true
{ simp }
{ apply BigStep.seq
{ apply BigStep.skip }
{ apply BigStep.assign } }
{ simp
apply BigStep.while_false
simp }
Properties of the Big-Step Semantics
Equipped with a big-step semantics, we can
prove properties of the programming language, such as equivalence proofs between programs and determinism;
reason about concrete programs, proving theorems relating final states
with initial statess
theorem BigStep_deterministic {Ss l r} (hl : Ss ⟹ l)
(hr : Ss ⟹ r) :
l = r
induction hl generalizing r with
| skip s =>
cases hr with
| skip => rfl
| assign x a s =>
cases hr with
| assign => rfl
| seq S T s l₀ l hS hT ihS ihT =>
cases hr with
| seq _ _ _ r₀ _ hS' hT' =>
cases ihS hS' with
| refl =>
cases ihT hT' with
| refl => rfl
| if_true B S T s l hB hS ih =>
cases hr with
| if_true _ _ _ _ _ hB' hS' => apply ih hS'
| if_false _ _ _ _ _ hB' hS' => aesop
| if_false B S T s l hB hT ih =>
cases hr with
| if_true _ _ _ _ _ hB' hS' => aesop
| if_false _ _ _ _ _ hB' hS' => apply ih hS'
| while_true B S s l₀ l hB hS hw ihS ihw =>
cases hr with
| while_true _ _ _ r₀ hB' hB' hS' hw' =>
cases ihS hS' with
| refl =>
cases ihw hw' with
| refl => rfl
| while_false _ _ _ hB' => aesop
| while_false B S s hB =>
cases hr with
| while_true _ _ _ s' _ hB' hS hw => aesop
| while_false _ _ _ hB' => rfl
theorem BigStep_terminates {S s} :
∃t, (S, s) ⟹ t
sorry -- unprovable
We can define inversion rules about the big-step semantics:
@[simp] theorem BigStep_skip_Iff {s t} :
(Stmt.skip, s) ⟹ t ↔ t = s
apply Iff.intro
{ intro h
cases h with
| skip => rfl }
{ intro h
rw [h]
apply BigStep.skip }
@[simp] theorem BigStep_assign_Iff {x a s t} :
(Stmt.assign x a, s) ⟹ t ↔ t = s[x ↦ a s]
apply Iff.intro
{ intro h
cases h with
| assign => rfl }
{ intro h
rw [h]
apply BigStep.assign }
@[simp] theorem BigStep_seq_Iff {S T s u} :
(S; T, s) ⟹ u ↔ (∃t, (S, s) ⟹ t ∧ (T, t) ⟹ u)
apply Iff.intro
{ intro h
cases h with
| seq =>
apply Exists.intro
apply And.intro <;>
assumption }
{ intro h
cases h with
| intro s' h' =>
cases h' with
| intro hS hT =>
apply BigStep.seq <;>
assumption }
@[simp] theorem BigStep_if_Iff {B S T s t} :
(Stmt.ifThenElse B S T, s) ⟹ t ↔
(B s ∧ (S, s) ⟹ t) ∨ (¬ B s ∧ (T, s) ⟹ t)
apply Iff.intro
{ intro h
cases h with
| if_true _ _ _ _ _ hB hS =>
apply Or.intro_left
| if_false _ _ _ _ _ hB hT =>
apply Or.intro_right
aesop }
{ intro h
cases h with
| inl h =>
cases h with
| intro hB hS =>
apply BigStep.if_true <;>
| inr h =>
cases h with
| intro hB hT =>
apply BigStep.if_false <;>
assumption }
theorem BigStep_while_Iff {B S s u} :
(Stmt.whileDo B S, s) ⟹ u ↔
(∃t, B s ∧ (S, s) ⟹ t ∧ (Stmt.whileDo B S, t) ⟹ u)
∨ (¬ B s ∧ u = s)
apply Iff.intro
{ intro h
cases h with
| while_true _ _ _ t _ hB hS hw =>
apply Or.intro_left
apply Exists.intro t
| while_false _ _ _ hB =>
apply Or.intro_right
aesop }
{ intro h
cases h with
| inl hex =>
cases hex with
| intro t h =>
cases h with
| intro hB h =>
cases h with
| intro hS hwhile =>
apply BigStep.while_true <;>
| inr h =>
cases h with
| intro hB hus =>
rw [hus]
apply BigStep.while_false
@[simp] theorem BigStep_while_true_Iff {B S s u}
(hcond : B s) :
(Stmt.whileDo B S, s) ⟹ u ↔
(∃t, (S, s) ⟹ t ∧ (Stmt.whileDo B S, t) ⟹ u)
rw [BigStep_while_Iff]
simp [hcond]
@[simp] theorem BigStep_while_false_Iff {B S s t}
(hcond : ¬ B s) :
(Stmt.whileDo B S, s) ⟹ t ↔ t = s
rw [BigStep_while_Iff]
simp [hcond]
Small-Step Semantics
A big-step semantics
does not let us reason about intermediate states;
does not let us express nontermination or interleaving (for multithreading).
Small-step semantics (also called structural operational semantics) solve the above issues.
A judgment has the form (S, s) ⇒ (T, t)
Starting in a state `s`, executing one step of `S` leaves us in the
state `t`, with the program `T` remaining to be executed.
An execution is a finite or infinite chain (S₀, s₀) ⇒ (S₁, s₁) ⇒ …
A pair (S, s)
is called a configuration. It is final if no transition
of the form (S, s) ⇒ _
is possible.
`(x := x + y; y := 0, [x ↦ 3, y ↦ 5])`
`⇒ (skip; y := 0, [x ↦ 8, y ↦ 5])`
`⇒ (y := 0, [x ↦ 8, y ↦ 5])`
`⇒ (skip, [x ↦ 8, y ↦ 0])`
Derivation rules:
————————————————————————————————— Assign
(x := a, s) ⇒ (skip, s[x ↦ s(a)])
(S, s) ⇒ (S', s')
———-——————————————————— Seq-Step
(S; T, s) ⇒ (S'; T, s')
————————————————————— Seq-Skip
(skip; S, s) ⇒ (S, s)
———————————————————————————————— If-True if s(B) is true
(if B then S else T, s) ⇒ (S, s)
———————————————————————————————— If-False if s(B) is false
(if B then S else T, s) ⇒ (T, s)
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— While
(while B do S, s) ⇒ (if B then (S; while B do S) else skip, s)
There is no rule for skip
inductive SmallStep : Stmt × State → Stmt × State → Prop where
| assign (x a s) :
SmallStep (Stmt.assign x a, s) (Stmt.skip, s[x ↦ a s])
| seq_step (S S' T s s') (hS : SmallStep (S, s) (S', s')) :
SmallStep (S; T, s) (S'; T, s')
| seq_skip (T s) :
SmallStep (Stmt.skip; T, s) (T, s)
| if_true (B S T s) (hcond : B s) :
SmallStep (Stmt.ifThenElse B S T, s) (S, s)
| if_false (B S T s) (hcond : ¬ B s) :
SmallStep (Stmt.ifThenElse B S T, s) (T, s)
| whileDo (B S s) :
SmallStep (Stmt.whileDo B S, s)
(Stmt.ifThenElse B (S; Stmt.whileDo B S) Stmt.skip, s)
infixr:100 " ⇒ " => SmallStep
infixr:100 " ⇒* " => RTC SmallStep
theorem sillyLoop_from_1_SmallStep :
(sillyLoop, (fun _ ↦ 0)["x" ↦ 1]) ⇒*
(Stmt.skip, (fun _ ↦ 0)) :=
rw [sillyLoop]
apply RTC.head
{ apply SmallStep.whileDo }
{ apply RTC.head
{ apply SmallStep.if_true
simp }
{ apply RTC.head
{ apply SmallStep.seq_step
apply SmallStep.seq_skip }
{ apply RTC.head
{ apply SmallStep.seq_step
apply SmallStep.assign }
{ apply RTC.head
{ apply SmallStep.seq_skip }
{ apply RTC.head
{ apply SmallStep.whileDo }
{ apply RTC.head
{ apply SmallStep.if_false
simp }
{ simp
apply RTC.refl } } } } } } }
Equipped with a small-step semantics, we can define a big-step semantics:
`(S, s) ⟹ t` if and only if `(S, s) ⇒* (skip, t)`
where r*
denotes the reflexive transitive closure of a relation r
Alternatively, if we have already defined a big-step semantics, we can prove the above equivalence theorem to validate our definitions.
The main disadvantage of small-step semantics is that we now have two relations,
and ⇒*
, and reasoning tends to be more complicated.
Properties of the Small-Step Semantics
We can prove that a configuration (S, s)
is final if and only if S = skip
This ensures that we have not forgotten a derivation rule.
theorem SmallStep_final (S s) :
(¬ ∃T t, (S, s) ⇒ (T, t)) ↔ S = Stmt.skip
induction S with
| skip =>
intros T t hstep
cases hstep
| assign x a =>
apply Exists.intro Stmt.skip
apply Exists.intro (s[x ↦ a s])
apply SmallStep.assign
| seq S T ihS ihT =>
cases Classical.em (S = Stmt.skip) with
| inl h =>
rw [h]
apply Exists.intro T
apply Exists.intro s
apply SmallStep.seq_skip
| inr h =>
simp [h] at ihS
cases ihS with
| intro S' hS₀ =>
cases hS₀ with
| intro s' hS =>
apply Exists.intro (S'; T)
apply Exists.intro s'
apply SmallStep.seq_step
| ifThenElse B S T ihS ihT =>
cases Classical.em (B s) with
| inl h =>
apply Exists.intro S
apply Exists.intro s
apply SmallStep.if_true
| inr h =>
apply Exists.intro T
apply Exists.intro s
apply SmallStep.if_false
| whileDo B S ih =>
apply Exists.intro
(Stmt.ifThenElse B (S; Stmt.whileDo B S)
apply Exists.intro s
apply SmallStep.whileDo
theorem SmallStep_deterministic {Ss Ll Rr}
(hl : Ss ⇒ Ll) (hr : Ss ⇒ Rr) :
Ll = Rr
induction hl generalizing Rr with
| assign x a s =>
cases hr with
| assign _ _ _ => rfl
| seq_step S S₁ T s s₁ hS₁ ih =>
cases hr with
| seq_step S S₂ _ _ s₂ hS₂ =>
have hSs₁₂ :=
ih hS₂
| seq_skip => cases hS₁
| seq_skip T s =>
cases hr with
| seq_step _ S _ _ s' hskip => cases hskip
| seq_skip => rfl
| if_true B S T s hB =>
cases hr with
| if_true => rfl
| if_false => aesop
| if_false B S T s hB =>
cases hr with
| if_true => aesop
| if_false => rfl
| whileDo B S s =>
cases hr with
| whileDo => rfl
We can define inversion rules also about the small-step semantics. Here are three examples:
theorem SmallStep_skip {S s t} :
¬ ((Stmt.skip, s) ⇒ (S, t))
intro h
cases h
@[simp] theorem SmallStep_seq_Iff {S T s Ut} :
(S; T, s) ⇒ Ut ↔
(∃S' t, (S, s) ⇒ (S', t) ∧ Ut = (S'; T, t))
∨ (S = Stmt.skip ∧ Ut = (T, s))
apply Iff.intro
{ intro hST
cases hST with
| seq_step _ S' _ _ s' hS =>
apply Or.intro_left
apply Exists.intro S'
apply Exists.intro s'
| seq_skip =>
apply Or.intro_right
aesop }
intro hor
cases hor with
| inl hex =>
cases hex with
| intro S' hex' =>
cases hex' with
| intro s' hand =>
cases hand with
| intro hS hUt =>
rw [hUt]
apply SmallStep.seq_step
| inr hand =>
cases hand with
| intro hS hUt =>
rw [hS, hUt]
apply SmallStep.seq_skip }
@[simp] theorem SmallStep_if_Iff {B S T s Us} :
(Stmt.ifThenElse B S T, s) ⇒ Us ↔
(B s ∧ Us = (S, s)) ∨ (¬ B s ∧ Us = (T, s))
apply Iff.intro
{ intro h
cases h with
| if_true _ _ _ _ hB => aesop
| if_false _ _ _ _ hB => aesop }
{ intro hor
cases hor with
| inl hand =>
cases hand with
| intro hB hUs =>
rw [hUs]
apply SmallStep.if_true
| inr hand =>
cases hand with
| intro hB hUs =>
rw [hUs]
apply SmallStep.if_false
assumption }
Equivalence of the Big-Step and the Small-Step Semantics (optional)
A more important result is the connection between the big-step and the small-step semantics:
`(S, s) ⟹ t ↔ (S, s) ⇒* (Stmt.skip, t)`
Its proof, given below, is beyond the scope of this course.
theorem RTC_SmallStep_seq {S T s u}
(h : (S, s) ⇒* (Stmt.skip, u)) :
(S; T, s) ⇒* (Stmt.skip; T, u) :=
apply RTC.lift (fun Ss ↦ (Prod.fst Ss; T, Prod.snd Ss)) _ h
intro Ss Ss' hrtc
cases Ss with
| mk S s =>
cases Ss' with
| mk S' s' =>
apply SmallStep.seq_step
theorem RTC_SmallStep_of_BigStep {Ss t} (hS : Ss ⟹ t) :
Ss ⇒* (Stmt.skip, t) :=
induction hS with
| skip => exact RTC.refl
| assign =>
apply RTC.single
apply SmallStep.assign
| seq S T s t u hS hT ihS ihT =>
apply RTC.trans
{ exact RTC_SmallStep_seq ihS }
{ apply RTC.head
apply SmallStep.seq_skip
assumption }
| if_true B S T s t hB hst ih =>
apply RTC.head
{ apply SmallStep.if_true
assumption }
{ assumption }
| if_false B S T s t hB hst ih =>
apply RTC.head
{ apply SmallStep.if_false
assumption }
{ assumption }
| while_true B S s t u hB hS hw ihS ihw =>
apply RTC.head
{ apply SmallStep.whileDo }
{ apply RTC.head
{ apply SmallStep.if_true
assumption }
{ apply RTC.trans
{ exact RTC_SmallStep_seq ihS }
{ apply RTC.head
apply SmallStep.seq_skip
assumption } } }
| while_false B S s hB =>
apply RTC.tail
apply RTC.single
apply SmallStep.whileDo
apply SmallStep.if_false
theorem BigStep_of_SmallStep_of_BigStep {Ss₀ Ss₁ s₂}
(h₁ : Ss₀ ⇒ Ss₁) :
Ss₁ ⟹ s₂ → Ss₀ ⟹ s₂ :=
induction h₁ generalizing s₂ with
| assign x a s => simp
| seq_step S S' T s s' hS ih => aesop
| seq_skip T s => simp
| if_true B S T s hB => aesop
| if_false B S T s hB => aesop
| whileDo B S s => aesop
theorem BigStep_of_RTC_SmallStep {Ss t} :
Ss ⇒* (Stmt.skip, t) → Ss ⟹ t :=
intro hS
induction hS using RTC.head_induction_on with
| refl =>
apply BigStep.skip
| head Ss Ss' hST hsmallT ih =>
cases Ss' with
| mk S' s' =>
apply BigStep_of_SmallStep_of_BigStep hST
apply ih
theorem BigStep_Iff_RTC_SmallStep {Ss t} :
Ss ⟹ t ↔ Ss ⇒* (Stmt.skip, t)
Iff.intro RTC_SmallStep_of_BigStep BigStep_of_RTC_SmallStep
Parallelism (optional)
Let's write down a small-step semantics for the parallel execution
programs on a single state.
inductive parStep : ℕ → (List Stmt × State) → (List Stmt × State) → Prop
| intro {Ss Ss' P P' st st' i}
(hi : i < Ss.length)
(hS : P = Ss.nthLe i hi)
(hs : (P, st) ⇒ (P', st')):
parStep i (Ss, st) (Ss', st')
There's a diamond property we'd like to be true. What does this mean?
lemma parStepDiamond {i j Ss Ts Ts' s t t'}
(hi : i < Ss.length)
(hj : j < Ss.length)
(hij : i ≠ j)
(hT : parStep i (Ss, s) (Ts, t))
(hT' : parStep j (Ss, s) (Ts', (t'))) :
∃ u Us, parStep j (Ts, t) (Us, u) ∧
parStep i (Ts', t') (Us, u) :=
Can we prove it? Can we fix it?
end LoVe