Copyright © 2018–2023 Anne Baanen, Alexander Bentkamp, Jasmin Blanchette,
Johannes Hölzl, and Jannis Limperg. See LICENSE.txt
import LoVe.Lectures.LoVe06_InductivePredicates_Demo
LoVe Demo 12: Logical Foundations of Mathematics
We dive deeper into the logical foundations of Lean. Most of the features described here are especially relevant for defining mathematical objects and proving theorems about them.
namespace LoVe
Not only terms have a type, but also types have a type. For example,
`@And.intro : ∀a b, a → b → a ∧ b`
`∀a b, a → b → a ∧ b : Prop`
Now, what is the type of Prop
? Prop
has the same type as virtually all other
types we have constructed so far:
`Prop : Type`
What is the type of Type
? The typing Type : Type
would lead to a
contradiction, called Girard's paradox, resembling Russell's paradox.
`Type : Type 1`
`Type 1 : Type 2`
`Type 2 : Type 3`
`Type` := `Type 0`
`Prop` := `Sort 0`
`Type u` := `Sort (u + 1)`
The types of types (Sort u
, Type u
, and Prop
) are called universes.
The u
in Sort u
is a universe level.
The hierarchy is captured by the following typing judgment:
————————————————————————— Sort
C ⊢ Sort u : Sort (u + 1)
#check @And.intro
#check ∀a b : Prop, a → b → a ∧ b
#check Prop
#check ℕ
#check Type
#check Type 1
#check Type 2
universe u v
#check Type u
#check Sort 0
#check Sort 1
#check Sort 2
#check Sort u
#check Type _
#check ULift
#check ULift.{32, _} ℕ
An interlude: let's talk about Russell's paradox (in another file!)
The Peculiarities of Prop
is different from the other universes in many respects.
The function type σ → τ
is put into the larger one of the universes that
and τ
live in:
C ⊢ σ : Type u C ⊢ τ : Type v
————————————————————————————————— SimpleArrow-Type
C ⊢ σ → τ : Type (max u v)
For dependent types, this generalizes to
C ⊢ σ : Type u C, x : σ ⊢ τ[x] : Type v
——————————————————————————————————————————— Arrow-Type
C ⊢ (x : σ) → τ[x] : Type (max u v)
This behavior of the universes Type v
is called predicativity:
roughly, "non-self-referencing."
To force expressions such as ∀a : Prop, a → a
to be of type Prop
anyway, we
need a special typing rule for Prop
C ⊢ σ : Sort u x : σ ⊢ τ[x] : Prop
—————————————————————————————————————— Arrow-Prop
C ⊢ (∀x : σ, τ[x]) : Prop
This behavior of Prop
is called impredicativity.
The rules Arrow-Type
and Arrow-Prop
can be generalized into a single rule:
C ⊢ σ : Sort u C, x : σ ⊢ τ[x] : Sort v
——————————————————————————————————————————— Arrow
C ⊢ (x : σ) → τ[x] : Sort (imax u v)
`imax u 0 = 0`
`imax u (v + 1) = max u (v + 1)`
#check fun (α : Type u) (β : Type v) ↦ α → β
#check ∀a : Prop, a → a
Proof Irrelevance
A second difference between Prop
and Type u
is proof irrelevance:
`∀(a : Prop) (h₁ h₂ : a), h₁ = h₂`
This makes reasoning about dependent types easier.
When viewing a proposition as a type and a proof as an element of that type, proof irrelevance means that a proposition is either an empty type or has exactly one inhabitant.
Proof irrelevance can be proved by rfl
#check proof_irrel
theorem proof_irrel {a : Prop} (h₁ h₂ : a) :
h₁ = h₂ :=
by rfl
No Large Elimination
A further difference between Prop
and Type u
is that Prop
does not allow
large elimination, meaning that it impossible to extract data from a proof
of a proposition.
This is necessary to allow proof irrelevance.
-- fails def unsquare (i : ℤ) (hsq : ∃j, i = j * j) : ℤ := match hsq with | Exists.intro j _ => j
If the above were accepted, we could derive False
as follows.
`hsq₁` := `Exists.intro 3 (by linarith)`
`hsq₂` := `Exists.intro (-3) (by linarith)`
be two proofs of ∃j, (9 : ℤ) = j * j
. Then
`unsquare 9 hsq₁ = 3`
`unsquare 9 hsq₂ = -3`
However, by proof irrelevance, hsq₁ = hsq₂
. Hence
`unsquare 9 hsq₂ = 3`
`3 = -3`
a contradiction.
As a compromise, Lean allows small elimination. It is called small
elimination because it eliminates only into Prop
, whereas large elimination can
eliminate into an arbitrary large universe Sort u
. This means we can use
to analyze the structure of a proof, extract existential witnesses, and
so on, as long as the match
expression is itself a proof. We have seen several
examples of this in lecture 5.
As a further compromise, Lean allows large elimination for
syntactic subsingletons: types in Prop
for which it can be established
syntactically that they have cardinality 0 or 1. These are propositions such as
and a ∧ b
that can be proved in at most one way.
Impredicative, proof-irrelevant Prop
Coquand has recently shown that having an impredicative, proof-irrelevant universe leads to a failure of strong normalization.
Lean code adapted from Mario Carneiro.
namespace no_sn
def false' : Prop :=
∀ p : Prop, p
def true' : Prop :=
false' → false'
theorem omega : (∀ (A B : Prop), A = B) → false' :=
fun h A => @cast true' _ (h true' A) (fun z: false' => z true' z)
theorem Omega : (∀ (A B : Prop), A = B) → false' :=
fun h => omega h true' (omega h)
-- #reduce Omega -- timeout
example (h : ∀ A B : Prop, A = B) : Omega h = Omega h :=
Omega h = omega h true' (omega h) := rfl
_ = @cast true' true' (h true' true') (fun z: false' => z true' z) (omega h) := rfl
_ = (fun z: false' => z true' z) (omega h) := rfl
_ = (omega h) true' (omega h) := rfl
_ = Omega h := rfl
end no_sn
The Axiom of Choice
Lean's logic includes the axiom of choice, which makes it possible to obtain an arbitrary element from any nonempty type.
Consider Lean's Nonempty
inductive predicate:
#print Nonempty
The predicate states that α
has at least one element.
To prove Nonempty α
, we must provide an α
value to Nonempty.intro
theorem Nat.Nonempty :
Nonempty ℕ :=
Nonempty.intro 0
Since Nonempty
lives in Prop
, large elimination is not available, and
thus we cannot extract the element that was used from a proof of Nonempty α
The axiom of choice allows us to obtain some element of type α
if we can show
Nonempty α
#print Classical.choice
It will just give us an arbitrary element of α
; we have no way of knowing
whether this is the element that was used to prove Nonempty α
The constant Classical.choice
is noncomputable, which is why some logicians
prefer to work without this axiom.
#eval Classical.choice Nat.Nonempty -- fails
#reduce Classical.choice Nat.Nonempty
The axiom of choice is only an axiom in Lean's core library, giving users the freedom to work with or without it.
Definitions using it must be marked as noncomputable
noncomputable def arbitraryNat : ℕ :=
Classical.choice Nat.Nonempty
The following tools rely on choice.
Law of Excluded Middle
#check Classical.em
#check Classical.byContradiction
Hilbert Choice
#print Classical.choose
#print Classical.choose_spec
#check fun (p : ℕ → Prop) (h : ∃n : ℕ, p n) ↦
Classical.choose h
#check fun (p : ℕ → Prop) (h : ∃n : ℕ, p n) ↦
Classical.choose_spec h
Set-Theoretic Axiom of Choice
#print Classical.axiomOfChoice
Subtyping is a mechanism to create new types from existing ones.
Given a predicate on the elements of the base type, the subtype contains only those elements of the base type that fulfill this property. More precisely, the subtype contains element–proof pairs that combine an element of the base type and a proof that it fulfills the property.
Subtyping is useful for those types that cannot be defined as an inductive type. For example, any attempt at defining the type of finite sets along the following lines is doomed to fail:
-- wrong
inductive Finset (α : Type) : Type
| empty : Finset α
| insert : α → Finset α → Finset α
Why does this not model finite sets?
Given a base type and a property, the subtype has the syntax
`{` _variable_ `:` _base-type_ `//` _property-applied-to-variable_ `}`
`{x : τ // P[x]}` := `@Subtype τ (fun x ↦ P[x])`
`{i : ℕ // i ≤ n}` := `@Subtype ℕ (fun i ↦ i ≤ n)`
`{A : Set α // Set.Finite A}` := `@Subtype (Set α) Set.Finite`
First Example: Full Binary Trees
#check BTree
#check IsFull
#check mirror
#check IsFull_mirror
#check mirror_mirror
def FullBTree (α : Type) : Type :=
{t : BTree α // IsFull t}
#print Subtype
To define elements of FullBTree
, we must provide a BTree
and a proof
that it is full:
def emptyFullBTree : FullBTree ℕ := BTree.empty IsFull.empty
def fullBTree6 : FullBTree ℕ := (BTree.node 6 BTree.empty BTree.empty)
apply IsFull.node
apply IsFull.empty
apply IsFull.empty
#reduce Subtype.val fullBTree6
#check fullBTree6
We can lift existing operations on BTree
to FullBTree
def FullBTree.mirror {α : Type} (t : FullBTree α) :
FullBTree α := (LoVe.mirror (Subtype.val t))
apply IsFull_mirror
apply t)
#reduce Subtype.val (FullBTree.mirror fullBTree6)
And of course we can prove theorems about the lifted operations:
theorem FullBTree.mirror_mirror {α : Type} (t : FullBTree α) :
(FullBTree.mirror (FullBTree.mirror t)) = t :=
apply Subtype.eq
simp [FullBTree.mirror, LoVe.mirror_mirror]
#check Subtype.eq
Second Example: Vectors
def Vector (α : Type) (n : ℕ) : Type :=
{xs : List α // List.length xs = n}
def vector123 : Vector ℤ 3 := [1, 2, 3] (by rfl)
def Vector.neg {n : ℕ} (v : Vector ℤ n) : Vector ℤ n := ( Int.neg (Subtype.val v))
rw [List.length_map]
exact v)
theorem Vector.neg_neg (n : ℕ) (v : Vector ℤ n) :
Vector.neg (Vector.neg v) = v :=
apply Subtype.eq
simp [Vector.neg]
Quotient Types
Quotients are a powerful construction in mathematics used to construct ℤ
, ℚ
, and many other types.
Like subtyping, quotienting constructs a new type from an existing type. Unlike a subtype, a quotient type contains all of the elements of the base type, but some elements that were different in the base type are considered equal in the quotient type. In mathematical terms, the quotient type is isomorphic to a partition of the base type.
To define a quotient type, we need to provide a type that it is derived from and an equivalence relation on the type that determines which elements are considered equal.
#check Quotient
#print Setoid
#check Quotient.sound
#check Quotient.exact
#check Quotient.lift
#check Quotient.lift₂
#check @Quotient.inductionOn
First Example: Integers
Let us build the integers ℤ
as a quotient over pairs of natural numbers
ℕ × ℕ
A pair (p, n)
of natural numbers represents the integer p - n
. Nonnegative
integers p
can be represented by (p, 0)
. Negative integers -n
can be
represented by (0, n)
. However, many representations of the same integer are
possible; e.g., (7, 0)
, (8, 1)
, (9, 2)
, and (10, 3)
all represent the
integer 7
Which equivalence relation can we use?
We want two pairs (p₁, n₁)
and (p₂, n₂)
to be equal if p₁ - n₁ = p₂ - n₂
However, this does not work because subtraction on ℕ
is ill-behaved (e.g.,
0 - 1 = 0
). Instead, we use p₁ + n₂ = p₂ + n₁
instance Int.Setoid : Setoid (ℕ × ℕ) :=
{ r :=
fun pn₁ pn₂ : ℕ × ℕ ↦
Prod.fst pn₁ + Prod.snd pn₂ =
Prod.fst pn₂ + Prod.snd pn₁
iseqv :=
{ refl :=
intro pn
symm :=
intro pn₁ pn₂ h
rw [h]
trans :=
intro pn₁ pn₂ pn₃ h₁₂ h₂₃
linarith } }
theorem Int.Setoid_Iff (pn₁ pn₂ : ℕ × ℕ) :
pn₁ ≈ pn₂ ↔
Prod.fst pn₁ + Prod.snd pn₂ = Prod.fst pn₂ + Prod.snd pn₁ :=
by rfl
def Int : Type :=
Quotient Int.Setoid
def : Int :=
⟦(0, 0)⟧
theorem Int.zero_Eq (m : ℕ) : = ⟦(m, m)⟧ :=
rw []
apply Quotient.sound
rw [Int.Setoid_Iff]
def Int.add : Int → Int → Int :=
(fun pn₁ pn₂ : ℕ × ℕ ↦
⟦(Prod.fst pn₁ + Prod.fst pn₂,
Prod.snd pn₁ + Prod.snd pn₂)⟧)
intro pn₁ pn₂ pn₁' pn₂' h₁ h₂
apply Quotient.sound
rw [Int.Setoid_Iff] at *
theorem Int.add_Eq (p₁ n₁ p₂ n₂ : ℕ) :
Int.add ⟦(p₁, n₁)⟧ ⟦(p₂, n₂)⟧ = ⟦(p₁ + p₂, n₁ + n₂)⟧ :=
by rfl
theorem Int.add_zero (i : Int) :
Int.add i = i :=
induction i using Quotient.inductionOn with
| h pn =>
cases pn with
| mk p n => simp [, Int.add_Eq]
This definitional syntax would be nice:
-- fails def Int.add : Int → Int → Int | ⟦(p₁, n₁)⟧, ⟦(p₂, n₂)⟧ => ⟦(p₁ + p₂, n₁ + n₂)⟧
But it would be dangerous:
-- fails def Int.fst : Int → ℕ | ⟦(p, n)⟧ => p
Using Int.fst
, we could derive False
. First, we have
`Int.fst ⟦(0, 0)⟧ = 0`
`Int.fst ⟦(1, 1)⟧ = 1`
But since ⟦(0, 0)⟧ = ⟦(1, 1)⟧
, we get
`0 = 1`
Second Example: Unordered Pairs
Unordered pairs are pairs for which no distinction is made between the first
and second components. They are usually written {a, b}
We will introduce the type UPair
of unordered pairs as the quotient of pairs
(a, b)
with respect to the relation "contains the same elements as".
instance UPair.Setoid (α : Type) : Setoid (α × α) :=
{ r :=
fun ab₁ ab₂ : α × α ↦
({Prod.fst ab₁, Prod.snd ab₁} : Set α) =
({Prod.fst ab₂, Prod.snd ab₂} : Set α)
iseqv :=
{ refl := by simp
symm := by aesop
trans := by aesop } }
theorem UPair.Setoid_Iff {α : Type} (ab₁ ab₂ : α × α) :
ab₁ ≈ ab₂ ↔
({Prod.fst ab₁, Prod.snd ab₁} : Set α) =
({Prod.fst ab₂, Prod.snd ab₂} : Set α) :=
by rfl
def UPair (α : Type) : Type :=
Quotient (UPair.Setoid α)
#check UPair.Setoid
It is easy to prove that our pairs are really unordered:
theorem UPair.mk_symm {α : Type} (a b : α) :
(⟦(a, b)⟧ : UPair α) = ⟦(b, a)⟧ :=
apply Quotient.sound
rw [UPair.Setoid_Iff]
simp [Set.unordered_pair_comm]
Another representation of unordered pairs is as sets of cardinality 1 or 2.
The following operation converts UPair
to that representation:
def Set_of_UPair {α : Type} : UPair α → Set α :=
Quotient.lift (fun ab : α × α ↦ {Prod.fst ab, Prod.snd ab})
intro ab₁ ab₂ h
rw [UPair.Setoid_Iff] at *
exact h)
Alternative Definitions via Normalization and Subtyping
Each element of a quotient type corresponds to an ≈
-equivalence class.
If there exists a systematic way to obtain a canonical representative for
each class, we can use a subtype instead of a quotient, keeping only the
canonical representatives.
Consider the quotient type Int
above. We could say that a pair (p, n)
canonical if p
or n
is 0
namespace Alternative
inductive Int.IsCanonical : ℕ × ℕ → Prop
| nonpos {n : ℕ} : Int.IsCanonical (0, n)
| nonneg {p : ℕ} : Int.IsCanonical (p, 0)
def Int : Type :=
{pn : ℕ × ℕ // Int.IsCanonical pn}
Normalizing pairs of natural numbers is easy:
def Int.normalize : ℕ × ℕ → ℕ × ℕ
| (p, n) => if p ≥ n then (p - n, 0) else (0, n - p)
theorem Int.IsCanonical_normalize (pn : ℕ × ℕ) :
Int.IsCanonical (Int.normalize pn)
cases pn with
| mk p n =>
simp [Int.normalize]
cases Classical.em (p ≥ n) with
| inl hpn =>
simp [*]
exact Int.IsCanonical.nonneg
| inr hpn =>
simp [*]
exact Int.IsCanonical.nonpos
For unordered pairs, there is no obvious normal form, except to always put
the smaller element first (or last). This requires a linear order ≤
on α
def UPair.IsCanonical {α : Type} [LinearOrder α] :
α × α → Prop
| (a, b) => a ≤ b
def UPair (α : Type) [LinearOrder α] : Type :=
{ab : α × α // UPair.IsCanonical ab}
end Alternative
end LoVe