Russell's Paradox in Type Theory

This section draws in part on Ulrik Buchholtz's presentation of this material:

You may be familiar with Russell's paradox, a classic set-theoretic result. It shows that so-called "naïve set theory" is inconsistent because such a set theory admits the set R = {x | x ∉ x} of all sets that do not contain themselves, which one can show satisfies R ∈ R ↔ R ∉ R -- a contradiction. We'll show here that, without type universes, an analogous paradox arises in dependent type theory. This result was first shown by Coquand.

Note: a stronger result, known as Girard's paradox, holds for a broader class of type theories, but its proof is highly technical.

namespace Russell

We first define a couple of types we've been working with in Prop at the Type level. (The proof won't go through in Prop due to its prohibition of large elimination. After seeing how the proof goes, you might think about why this is the case!)

First, recall that Empty is a type with no terms, defined as:

inductive Empty : Type

It is the Type analogue of False : Prop.

Recall also that ¬P : Prop is notation for P → False. Since Empty is analogous to False, it follows that Not below is the Type-level analogue of ¬.

def Not (α : Type) := α → Empty

Next, we define the identity Type analogous to Eq : ∀ {α}, α → α → Prop, the equality predicate we use when we write the = sign. We define the custom notation for our equality Type to avoid confusion with the Prop.

Just as with Eq, the type EqType x y (aka x ≡ y) is inhabited just when x and y are (provably) equal.

inductive EqType {α : Type} : α → α → Type
  | refl {a : α} : EqType a a

infix:50 " ≡ "  => EqType

So far, everything we've done is completely permitted by Lean's type theory. Now we make our "illegal" declaration that, in essence, encodes the idea that we have Type u : Type u for some u.

Given a function f : Type → Type (say f := λ (X : Type) => X × X), the type ∀ X, f X has type Type 1. In general, produces a type one level higher in the type hierarchy than its arguments.

If we collapsed the universe hierarchy, though, ∀ X, f X would simply have type Type.

Lean won't allow this declaration, of course (we're about to show it's unsound!), so we've written below how the declaration would look in Lean's syntax, then faked the important parts using axioms.

Don't worry too much about how the fake declarations are implemented; just pretend that the inductive definition below were accepted by Lean.

-- inductive V : Type
-- | sup : ∀ (X : Type), (X → V) → V


This axiomatizes the salient parts of what the inductive definition above would have done. You don't need to worry about these details (unless you're curious); in fact, we recommend collapsing this section using the arrow that appears if you hover to the left of section above.

universe u
axiom V : Type

axiom V.sup : (X : Type) → (X → V) → V

axiom V.recConst :
  {motive : Sort u} →
  ((X : Type) → (X → V) → motive) →
  (t : V) →

axiom V.recConst_spec {motive : Sort u}
  (p : (X : Type) → (X → V) → motive)
  (X : Type)
  (f : X → V) :
  V.recConst p (V.sup X f) = p X f

syntax "rewrite_recursor_term" term : term
syntax "rewrite_recursor_term_rev" term : term
| `(rewrite_recursor_term $t) => `(cast (V.recConst_spec _ _ _) $t)
| `(rewrite_recursor_term_rev $t) =>
  `(cast (Eq.symm $ V.recConst_spec _ _ _) $t)

We're going to think of terms of type V as representing sets: roughly speaking, V.sup X f : V corresponds to the set given by {f x | x : X}.

To encode this notion of sethood, we declare below a membership predicate on such sets. The type Mem elt set (or elt ∈ set), where set = V.sup X f, is inhabited just when there is some x' : X such that elt = f x'. Notice that this matches our set representation above.

An element of Mem elt set consists of a dependent pair ⟨x', p⟩, where p is a proof that elt = f x' (notice how the type of p depends on x').

The commented declaration below represents how we would define Mem if we had defined V using the standard inductive declaration we gave before. Since we couldn't actually make such a declaration and used axiom trickery instead, we've had to provide a "lower-level" definition of Mem, but it is equivalent to the commented pattern-matching one.

def Mem : V → V → Type | elt, V.sup X f => (x' : X) × (elt ≡ f x')

def Mem (elt : V) (set : V) : Type :=
  set.recConst λ X f => (x' : X) × (elt ≡ f x')

-- We write `elt ∈ set` for `Mem elt set` and `elt ∉ set` for `Not (elt ∈ set)`
infix:50 " ∈ " => Mem
notation:50 x:50 " ∉ " y:50 => Not (Mem x y)

We define our Russell set: the set consisting of all sets v such that v ∉ v. We define this by taking our indexing type X to be the dependent pair type (v : V) × (v ∉ v) (i.e, the subtype of all sets that do not contain themselves), then taking our function on that type to be the projection in the first component, extracting v.

This is the step where we exploit the fact that V lives in Type (and not, as it should, Type 1). If V : Type 1, then we could not take X to be (v : V) × (v ∉ v), since (v : V) × (v ∉ v) would, like v, have type Type 1, while X must have type Type. Note the similarity to the set- theoretic version of Russell's paradox: this is the same sort of problematic self-reference that causes trouble in naïve set theory.

noncomputable def R : V := V.sup ((v : V) × (v ∉ v)) -- X
                                 (λ ⟨v, _⟩ => v)     -- f

We show the two directions of the bi-implication that characterizes R: v ∈ R if and only if v ∉ v. The rewrite_recursor_term macros allow Lean to recognize our axiomatized definitions (they're not doing anything sneaky!).

def not_mem_self_of_mem_R (v : V) : v ∈ R → v ∉ v :=
  λ (hvR : v ∈ R) =>
    -- Recall that `v ∈ R` is notation for `(x' : X) × (x'.1 ≡ v)` where (by our
    -- definition of `R`) we have `X = (v' : V) × (v' ∉ v')`. We unpack our
    -- "generator" value `⟨v', hnvv⟩ : (v' : V) × (v' ∉ v')`; via the proof
    -- `refl : v' ≡ v`, the proof `hnvv` has type `v ∉ v`, which is the type
    -- we're looking for.
    match rewrite_recursor_term hvR with
    | ⟨⟨_, hnvv⟩, .refl⟩ => hnvv

def mem_R_of_not_mem_self (v : V) : v ∉ v → v ∈ R :=
  λ hvv => rewrite_recursor_term_rev ⟨⟨v, hvv⟩, .refl⟩

Now we derive two contradictory statements: R ∉ R and R ∈ R. Using these, we can show Empty (i.e., falsehood) to be inhabited (i.e., proved)!

def R_not_mem_R : R ∉ R :=
  λ hnRR => not_mem_self_of_mem_R R hnRR hnRR

noncomputable def R_mem_R : R ∈ R :=
  mem_R_of_not_mem_self R R_not_mem_R

noncomputable def uh_oh : Empty :=
  R_not_mem_R R_mem_R

end Russell